Sergey Chirkov: Biography And Personal Life Of The Actor

Sergey Chirkov: Biography And Personal Life Of The Actor
Sergey Chirkov: Biography And Personal Life Of The Actor

Sergei Chirkov today, in the full sense, is a member of the galaxy of young Russian movie stars. This native of the Samara region already has behind his shoulders many successful films, known to millions of domestic viewers.

A young artist confidently goes to fame
A young artist confidently goes to fame

A native of the Samara region, Sergei Chirkov is known to the general Russian public not so much for his talented acting on the stage as for his very serious filmography. He owes his first resounding success as a film actor to his character Vampire in the titular cyberpunk On the Game.

Brief biography and filmography of Sergei Chirkov

The future popular actor was born in the Samara region on December 2, 1983. An unremarkable childhood and adolescence ended with a certificate of secondary education and admission to the Faculty of Arts at Moscow State University. But at the end of the first year, he takes the documents and takes exams at VGIK. However, even here, after a year of study, he does not stay, transferring to GITIS to the teacher Sergei Zhenovach.

In 2009, Sergei Chirkov graduated from the university with the delivery of his theses in the performances "Demons" (the role of Nikolai Stavrogin) and "Leo Tolstoy. Scenes "(the role of Nikolai Rostov). It is noteworthy that while studying at a theater university, our hero for three years successfully played in KVN, including the international league.

Popularity for Sergei Chirkov began to come in 2002, when he made his film debut in the title role of the sports drama "Black Ball". Today his filmography is simply impressive: "Call Me Genie" (2005), "At the Game" (2009), "Island of Unnecessary People" (2011), "New Year's Trouble" (2012), "Angel or Demon" (2013), " Lie if you love”(2014),“Nika”(2015),“It never happens”(2015),“How I became Russian”(2015),“Shelest”(2016),“Hammer”(2016).

Currently, the actor is actively involved in the filming of the crime drama "The Fourth Shift" about the life and work of Chinese migrants in the Russian capital.

Personal life of the artist

Despite the rather stormy romantic life of Sergei Chirkov, he still managed not to have a family and children. Our hero very carefully hides his intimate relationship, but the ubiquitous press notes in his personal life actresses: Marina Petrenko and Anastasia Stezhko.

Now, in his current status as an enviable groom, Sergei meets with a new passion, whose activities are in no way connected with the world of theater and cinema. It is possible that these particular relationships will be more long-term and serious.

Chirkov, in addition to his main profession, is engaged in dancing and horse riding. This allows you not only to improve yourself in these sports, but also to keep your body in excellent physical shape. Sergey considers the American actor Jim Carrey to be his favorite movie stars, highlighting the dramatic roles in his work. 82 thousand people have subscribed to the unverified Instagram account of the popular artist, which speaks of his close contact with fans.
