The Russian government approved a bill introducing mandatory direct elections of mayors in all cities. The Parliament of the State Duma received the bill and will now consider it.

In May, the Ministry of Regional Development drafted a new electoral bill and submitted it to the government. This is the first document under the new head of the department, Oleg Govorun. Previously, Oleg Govorun held a position in the Kremlin, was the head of the internal policy department.
This document seriously changes the principle of election of heads of municipalities. Now the mayoral elections are held both by direct voting and by voting from among the deputies themselves. Therefore, the mayor of the city becomes the speaker of the city parliament. And the city manager manages the city economy.
What will change? The new draft prohibits indirect elections of mayors. The mayor, after the general election, will head either the administration or the legislature. It all depends on the charter of the municipality. But the institution of the city manager remains, even if the mayor is at the head of the legislature.
In the case of settlements with fewer than 100 inhabitants, the mayor directs both the administration and the legislature. Otherwise, the speaker is not allowed to occupy both seats. The project introduces a new post of vice-mayor, elected together with the mayor. In case of early resignation of the mayor, his duties are performed by the vice mayor. Legislators want to give the right to introduce the post of deputy mayor to municipalities, if necessary.
Also, the draft proposes to elect the chairman of the control and accounting body and his deputy in the same direct elections. But only if it is stipulated in the local charter. Not everyone supports the idea of direct elections. But only those municipalities that have obvious conflicts between the heads of the municipalities and city managers.
Direct elections are already taking place in Volgograd. Perm is preparing for the return of such elections. The "comeback" trend is gaining momentum in many major cities. The Kremlin supports the idea of direct elections of heads of municipalities. It is assumed that the draft will be submitted to the State Duma at the beginning of the 2012 autumn session.