In modern conditions, young people who plan their future face a dilemma. The essence of this dilemma boils down to which field of activity to achieve success: in business or in public service. Andrey Slepnev made the right choice.

Starting conditions
To understand the train of thought of Andrei Aleksandrovich Slepnev, it is necessary in general terms to represent the situation in the economy of the Soviet Union. The future general director of the Russian Export Center was born on September 13, 1969 in a family of engineers and technicians. Parents lived in the famous town of Bor, which is a satellite town of Nizhny Novgorod. My father worked at a glass factory. Mother taught mechanics at a local technical school. The boy was brought up in Russian customs. From an early age, Andryusha was taught to work and independent thinking.
Slepnev studied well at school. In high school, he clearly showed the ability to exact disciplines: mathematics and physics. Andrey has repeatedly participated in city and regional Olympiads. At the same time, he managed to engage in athletics and water tourism. Kayaking trips took place every summer. At school sports days Slepnev preferred to perform in team forms. He was good at playing football. Friendship developed with classmates. Having received a certificate of maturity in 1987, Andrey entered the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Nizhny Novgorod.

During his student years, Slepnev specialized in the creation of mathematical models. In particular, with a group of students and graduate students, he was engaged in the construction of a dynamic information model of a machine-building enterprise. The young mathematicians took the Gorky Automobile Plant as the basis for their developments. Andrey often had to visit this enterprise in order to correctly set tasks for the programmers. However, the young researchers failed to complete their project. Perestroika began, and the planned economy switched to market principles of functioning.
In 1992 Slepnev received a higher education diploma. The state distribution of young specialists was canceled by that time. Social and economic institutions of the new formation have just begun to form. Market mechanisms were introduced instead of the planned distribution of material and financial resources. Having soberly assessed the situation that had arisen, Andrey decided to go into business. First of all, together with a friend, I opened a kiosk in one of the Nizhny Novgorod markets. And even a couple of times "drove" to Turkey, from where he brought two huge trunks with children's and women's clothing.

First achievements
Pain for three years Slepnev tried with all his might to amass capital and bring his business to a higher level. However, the set goals were not achieved. And then I had to change the sphere of application of my energy. Since the chartered mathematician had an unused body of information about the automotive industry, he chose the auto insurance niche. In 1996, he was accepted as a manager at the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the Rosno insurance company. In order to freely navigate the legal field, Andrey completed an accelerated course of study at the Specialized Institute of Law at Moscow State University.
Having received a sufficient level of competence, Slepnev went to work at Ingosstrakh. In four years, he went through all the steps of the career ladder from an ordinary manager to the deputy head of the head office in Moscow. In 2002, the successful manager was elected General Director of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. By that time, the situation in the insurance market had stabilized. Although there were gaps and white spots in the legislative framework that needed to be eliminated. The number of vehicles on the roads increased, and the number of road accidents increased accordingly.

In public service
The official's career developed gradually. At what point Andrei Slepnev got into the personnel reserve of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation, it is not known. But in 2004, he was offered the position of an expert at the Center for Strategic Research, which operates under the government of the country. At that time, the Center was headed by Elvira Nabiullina, who now heads the Central Bank of Russia. A year later, Slepnev was approved as the head of the department for support of priority national projects. Andrey has built an effective system of control over the spending of funds allocated from the state budget in a short time.
For almost a year, the experienced manager worked as Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. For four years, from 2012 to 2016, Andrey Slepnev was a member of the Trade Commission of the Eurasian Economic Union. The coordination of commodity and financial flows between the participating countries required the creation of clearly drawn up regulations. Slepnev coped with the task. In the spring of 2018, he was appointed General Director of the Russian Export Center.

Private side
The private life of civil servant Andrei Aleksandrovich Slepnev is reported in scanty lines of official certificates and declarations. The official is legally married. The husband and wife are raising and raising three children. In joint ownership, the spouses have an apartment in Moscow and a house in the Moscow region. Two passenger cars “BMW” and “TOYOTA”.
Andrey Slepnev was awarded the Order of Friendship in 2011. For the high-quality performance of his duties, he was awarded a diploma of the President of the Russian Federation, and the Chairman of the Government of Russia.