The increase in the number of crimes is happening everywhere. Every year, the phenomenon of juvenile delinquency is gaining momentum. The emergence of deviant behavior in children is facilitated by a number of factors that must be combated.

Unfavorable family environment
The main cause of juvenile delinquency is the factor of upbringing in the family. It is in her that the child receives socialization first of all. Parents who are prone to violence and addictions can break the ability to normal personality development. Smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction of parents are a negative example for a teenager. He will either go into the same rut, or will strive to get out of there by any means. One of them will be crime. Theft for food often escalates into more serious crimes.
It is not necessary to be an antisocial parent for a child to step on the path of crime. Rough treatment, overprotectiveness, lack of understanding, divorce - all this leads to the maturing desires of the teenager to escape from the family. The transitional age factor further exacerbates this desire and stimulates inappropriate actions.
Orphans and street children most often become criminals, since their socialization in childhood took place in the circle of peers, and not the family. Often times, the environment was unpleasant and conducive to developing a desire for revenge or proving a level of ability.
Cons of law enforcement
The weak performance of the authorities responsible for the prevention of juvenile crime is also one of the most important reasons for the increase in misconduct. This applies to the ineffective supervision of the observance of the standards of education, and to the poor observance of the international rights of the child, and to the underdevelopment of the social welfare service. The organization of social work with children is also at an extremely low level.
Mild penalties are often considered to be one of the reasons for juvenile delinquency. Criminal liability is postponed until the age of majority, and adolescents are only charged with being in educational institutions, or fines from their parents. Experts are divided over the tightening of the punishment system.
Disadvantages of schooling
It has been emphasized more than once that schools are engaged in training students for exams, ignoring the educational function. Upbringing does not have target indicators, so attention is not focused on it. From the point of view of most psychologists, the school as a social institution is responsible for the development of students. Therefore, concentrating only on the level of knowledge is wrong.
Ways to fight
Methods for combating juvenile delinquency include the work of psychologists with abandoned, difficult children, orphans and adolescents from disadvantaged families. Social and psychological care centers are trying to improve their methods to work more efficiently.
The creation of an upbringing system in schools can be an effective help for difficult teenagers. Additional studies should include not only the knowledge level, but also an ethical point. The classroom leadership should monitor not only the progress, but also the socialization of the teenager. Then it will be possible to prevent crimes by revealing a tendency towards them.
In addition, various departments must interact at a higher level to control crime. This applies to the Ministry of Education, health and law enforcement agencies, guardianship authorities, local government. Only their joint work and exchange of experience can become the basis for changing the situation with juvenile delinquency for the better.