Man As A Spiritual Phenomenon

Man As A Spiritual Phenomenon
Man As A Spiritual Phenomenon

Table of contents:


Man belongs to the class of mammals, and is close in genotype to some animal species. Just like the "smaller brothers", he needs food, water, air. But between man and animals, even those closest to him, there is a colossal difference.

Man as a Spiritual Phenomenon
Man as a Spiritual Phenomenon


Step 1

People not only can talk coherently, but also engage in creativity, feel remorse, reflect on the meaning of life. No other living creature, even the most highly developed, is capable of this. In other words, man is a kind of spiritual phenomenon.

Step 2

The great ancient Greek philosopher Socrates is credited with the words: "Know thyself!" He believed that only in this way people can become wise, understand why they come to this world, how they should live. This call is relevant to this day. Only a person, unlike other living beings, is able to ask questions: "Who am I?", "What is my role in this world?", "Why do I live?" A person can feel sincere delight at the sight of a beautiful creation of nature or a man-made monument. He is able to selflessly help other people, feel a thirst for knowledge, forcing him to learn something new, to expand his horizons. This is what constitutes the basis of his spirituality.

Step 3

A man, unlike an animal, is given the opportunity to think over, analyze his actions and their probable consequences. Other living beings are guided in their behavior by instincts, reflexes, and only in very rare cases do they have some signs of reason. Their behavior is entirely subordinated to the main task: to survive in the conditions of a tough struggle for existence and to continue their race. A person is able to be guided not only by considerations of personal safety, benefit, well-being (both for himself and for his loved ones), but also take into account the interests of other people, go to self-restraint for the common good. And not only out of fear of possible punishment, but also because he considers it right.

Step 4

Only man is given the ability to choose. Based on upbringing, moral qualities, ideas about what is permissible and what is not, he often asks the question: what to do in a given situation? A person is able to rebel against evil and injustice, even if this may threaten his interests and life itself. Simply because the conscience tells it - that very “inner voice”, which is an integral part of a person's spirituality.

Step 5

A truly spiritual person feels his responsibility not only for himself and his loved ones, but also for his entire people, state, for our entire planet. After all, the Earth is our common home, and many issues (for example, environmental protection) are of global importance.