What Is Accreditation

What Is Accreditation
What Is Accreditation

Confirmation of belonging to a temporarily created group, as well as compliance with certain requirements, is called the word "accreditation". Most often, this word can be heard from teachers who are talking about extending the accreditation of an educational institution, or from journalists seeking to attend a press conference.

What is accreditation
What is accreditation

Accreditation is a procedure during which the conformity of an object to the norms, requirements and basic classifications established by law is revealed. Accreditation is not typical of the industrial sector, for which licensing and certification rules have been developed. The accreditation procedure is used in the sphere of services considered in a broad sense (these are direct services, for example, educational, and art, and journalism, etc.)

Most often, the following are accredited:

- higher education institutions, - media, - medical institutions, - diagnostic centers, - laboratories and research institutes, - certification centers.

Types of accreditation

There are two types of accreditation: state and non-state.

Non-governmental is carried out by attested (that is, previously “verified” by the state) private non-profit organizations, which may have their own divisions, for example, national or regional.

State accreditation is carried out and regularly confirmed by various federal services. As a result of passing any of the accreditations and upon completion of all procedures, with a positive result, a state-recognized certificate is issued, which gives the right to carry out activities within the framework of the state standard. Thus, experts prove the high level of quality of services provided to the "audited" organization and make a final assessment of its activities as a whole.

Accreditation in Journalism

Unlike many areas where an organization receives accreditation, a specific person is often accredited as a journalist. As a rule, this is required to organize the participation of a media representative in briefings or press conferences. In most cases, it is enough to submit a personal application for participation in the event. However, this type of accreditation may be refused, for example, by opposition media.

Healthcare Accreditation

Medical clinics and centers are carefully selected by highly qualified healthcare professionals. There is a whole network of international medical associations that evaluate the performance of various medical institutions.

Medical accreditation is the most formalized in the world today, for example, pacts on the principles of conscientiousness and honesty in conducting inspections have been adopted, the timing and frequency of such interventions in the activities of physicians have been determined.
