The Best Detectives With An Unpredictable Ending: A List Of Films

The Best Detectives With An Unpredictable Ending: A List Of Films
The Best Detectives With An Unpredictable Ending: A List Of Films

Detective is a synthetic genre with many components. Investigation, the opposition of the mind of a positive and a negative hero are the main features that unite these films. The rest of the detectives can be very different.

The best detectives with an unpredictable ending: a list of films
The best detectives with an unpredictable ending: a list of films

Psychological detectives

Detectives, the plot of which involves a deep immersion in the personality of the main characters, are called psychological.

One of these films is the plot "Before I Fall Asleep" (2014). "Trust no one" - the slogan of the tape. Throughout the film, the viewer tries to understand which of the characters is telling the truth and which is lying. The situation is complicated by the fact that the main character has a severe form of amnesia.

Objects of Darkness (2011) is another great psychological detective story. New York-based writer Eddie is in a professional crisis. Depression and a sense of hopelessness are pushing him to try out an experimental drug called NZT. Thanks to taking pills, the protagonist's brain begins to work at full capacity. In a short time, Eddie manages to achieve crazy success. However, it is gradually becoming clear that the drug has a side effect.

"Faces in the Crowd" (2011) - a tape where Mila Jovovich is filmed as a witness to a murder, after which a serial maniac is hunting. Keeps in suspense is the fact that he can recognize her, while she is not able to identify him. The heroine suffers from prosopagnosia - "blindness in the face." The killer can approach her under the guise of a loved one, and she will not even guess who is next to her.

Detectives with a bad ending

Not all detectives tend to have a good ending. It is only natural that many bloody stories have a tragic ending. Films like these have significant dramatic impact. After watching them, the viewer is impressed for a long time.

One of the films with a bad ending is Substitution (2008). The plot is based on a real story that happened in America. A single mother has her son kidnapped. After police officers return him, it is revealed that this is the wrong child. To hush up the case, the mother is declared insane. And the boy at this time is still in the hands of the kidnapper.

Identification (2003) is one of the best and most unpredictable locked room murder films. The plot is related to Dissociative Identity Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder that the protagonist suffers from.

Detective stories with a good ending

One of the best detective stories with a good ending is The Game (1997). The film touches on the creation of an alternative reality. The main character receives as a gift a ticket to participate in the "Game", the rules of which are not communicated to him. As a result of participation in it, Nicholas has to kill in order to survive on his own. The ending of the picture seems happy, the situation is reset, but the residue remains.

The film "Taking Lives" (2004) reveals an unusual image of a serial killer with non-standard motives. He destroys people in order to live their lives. Over the years, the killer managed to escape justice. Everything changes after the case is handed over to the FBI officer Illyana Scott, who also uses an unconventional approach in the investigation of murders.

Detectives with elements of mysticism

A mystical detective worthy of watching is the film "The Gift" (2001). Annie Wilson, who has the gift of clairvoyance, decides to help in the investigation of the murder of a young woman. With her help, the criminal is caught, but soon Annie begins to be tormented by doubts about his guilt. The present gift makes it impossible to clearly see the killer. In the imagination of a woman, new versions of what happened are constantly emerging, which leads her to moral exhaustion.

In the movie "Deliver Us from the Evil One" (2014), the mystical component breaks the standard scheme of a police detective. Unknown forces are introduced into the plot gradually, filling it completely by the middle. The usual game of a policeman and a criminal turns into an epic confrontation between good and evil.

The detective genre itself gives viewers a lot of thrills. In combination with mysticism, such films become terrifying, so impressionable people are advised to watch them in the light.

In Russian cinema, it is worth noting Stanislav Govorukhin's brilliant film "Ten Little Indians" (1987), the success of which has not been repeated by any director. Modern Russian detective films do not attract high marks. Nevertheless, even among them, interesting stories can be distinguished: "Possession 18" (2014), "Yulenka" (2009), etc.