What To Do In Case Of Fire

What To Do In Case Of Fire
What To Do In Case Of Fire

Fire is a terrible disaster. The sad Russian statistics of recent years are shocking: the fire takes people by surprise, and wrong actions, panic in a fire aggravate the tragic consequences.

What to do in case of fire
What to do in case of fire

At the first sign of fire, you must immediately notify the fire department. The telephone number of the single rescue service is 01. Clearly state the address where the emergency occurred, the degree of threat to people, the optimal route, your name. It is known that the rapid spread of fire in houses is facilitated by ventilation ducts, open doors, windows, through which additional oxygen enters, contributing to the development of a fire. That is why it is not recommended to break glass immediately in a burning room, to open doors to nearby rooms. The first steps are to turn off the electricity on the staircase flap and turn off the gas. In case of strong smoke, breathe with a wet cloth on your face, and move around, leaning towards the floor (there is more smoke at the top). Do not rush to the elevator; only use the stairs. If the path to the site is cut off, go to a room farther from the fire, closing the doors behind you. Open the window and, by shouting for help, attract the attention of passers-by. What to do if a fire occurs in front of your eyes? For example, a television set has flashed and the fire has not yet engulfed the room. De-energize the device, fill it with water through the holes in the rear wall or cover with a thick cloth. Throwing the TV through the window onto the street is possible only if it is safe for others. Even if you put out the fire right away, you can get poisoned by the products of combustion. Immediately remove those people who are not engaged in extinguishing and children from the room. Do the same in case of fire of other electrical appliances. What if there is a local fire on the balcony (loggia)? If there is a threat of fire spreading, call 01 immediately, close all doors so as not to create a draft. If the threat is minimal, extinguish the fire with improvised means (with water from a bucket, washing powder, a wet cloth, earth from flower pots). Warn the neighbors about what happened. Smoke was noticed in the entrance. If the smoke allows you to navigate in space, try to determine the place of combustion (apartment, garbage bin, mailbox, etc.) to report to service 01. The smell can also be characteristic (rubber, combustible substances, plastic, wood, paper). In case of a minor fire, call your neighbors for help and extinguish the hearth. In case of a large-scale incident, notify the tenants about it and try to leave the premises by flights of stairs, through the fire escapes of the balcony. If you have to move through a densely smoky corridor, you should cover yourself with a thick soaked cloth and move, crouching or crawling. If a fire shaft threatens, it is important to avoid burns to internal organs: fall, cover your head with a cloth and hold your breath. If you notice a fire in the basement, never try to get inside yourself - call the fire brigade. If you live on the ground floor, open the windows (but not the entrance door!), And then leave the house, notifying the neighbors about the fire. What if a person's clothes are on fire? He cannot run: the flame will flare up even more. The fire must be extinguished by throwing a thick cloth, earth, snow, pouring water, leaving the head open. If there is an opportunity to help throw off burning clothes, do it, but very quickly. Provide all possible medical attention. Remember: when burning many substances, very poisonous gases are released: hydrocyanic acid, phosgene and others. Thus, not only fire can be dangerous, but also the fumes from it. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide produce reactions ranging from mild headaches to fainting, coma, respiratory paralysis and death. The worst thing in a fire in crowded places is panic. Keep your cool. When moving in a crowd, keep the children in front of you, leading them by the shoulders. For adults who are numb with fear, revive by patting their cheeks with your palms. Talk to them calmly and mobilizing. After getting out of the burning room, help those in need, call an ambulance.
