How To Look At 45

How To Look At 45
How To Look At 45

To look great after 45 years, it is not enough to indulge in your appearance in fits and starts. Self-care is the main feature of a modern woman. If it is carried out competently and systematically, the results will be amazing: you will not only look 10-15 years younger, but also gain self-confidence and good mood.

how to look at 45
how to look at 45

Impeccable, stylish, beautiful, and most importantly - to be self-confident, because this is what a modern woman should be. At this age, everyone needs you and is especially in demand. The peak of your career has now come in the service: subordinates see you as an experienced and wise leader, and your boss as an irreplaceable and reliable assistant. Growing up children no longer require so much attention to themselves, but they desperately need your timely and useful advice. Well, your parents have entered a period of life when a kind word and support from children are especially valuable. How can you keep up with everything and, at the same time, keep your attractiveness? There are a few tips you can follow to stop time or even turn it back.

Constant care of your health

All women know to constantly be concerned about maintaining good health, but many do not know how to do it right. Meanwhile, to look young at 45, it is enough to follow a few simple rules:

• get enough sleep - lack of sleep has a detrimental effect on your appearance: bags appear under the eyes, the skin grows dull, the eyes grow dull, the person looks tired and lethargic;

• avoid sharp fluctuations in weight in any direction - together with the loss of the fat layer from the fiber, the supply of estrogens, which have been accumulated during life, goes away; and a set of extra pounds is accompanied by an increase in the load on the entire body;

• do physical education or fitness - the human body perceives any physical activity as a manifestation of its youth, therefore it has such a healing effect on all organs and systems;

• systematically take vitamin and mineral complexes with antioxidant activity - this will stop the destruction of collagen and elastin - the structural proteins of our skin, which give it the necessary elasticity.

Great mood is the key to attractiveness

This axiom is often forgotten by many. Meanwhile, the smiling woman looks much younger than her age. That is why it is necessary to maintain peace of mind, and they will help you with this:

• adherence to a regular schedule - avoid rush at work, unnecessary night gatherings and getting up before dark;

• watch your mood - do not be nervous, irritated over trifles, keep yourself in control and do not become discouraged: every emotional outburst provokes an acceleration of hormonal changes;

• regular visits to cosmetologists - they really can significantly rejuvenate the skin and improve its condition. A small "cosmetic repair" will benefit many, and for those lucky women who do not need plastic, professionals will suggest several useful tricks to preserve their beauty.

Remember how to look at the age of 45 depends only on you, passport data can be successfully neglected, and your peak of attractiveness will last for many more years.