Patriotic Poetry Of The War Of 1812

Patriotic Poetry Of The War Of 1812
Patriotic Poetry Of The War Of 1812

The victory of the Russian people over the conqueror, who threatened the enslavement of many countries of the world and was considered the great genius of military battles, could not but inspire poets, musicians and artists to search for new images. The cohesion of the nation these days amazed the imagination and inspired contemporaries to write masterpieces that immortalize this event in the history of the country.

Napoleon at the Borodino field. Vasily Vereshchagin
Napoleon at the Borodino field. Vasily Vereshchagin

Poetry of V. A. Zhukovsky

One of the brightest examples of patriotic poetry in 1812 is Zhukovsky's poem "A Singer in the Camp of Russian Warriors" (1812). This work was written before the Battle of Tarutino, when the poet himself was in the ranks of the military. The poem quickly became popular, was a success, and in many ways created Zhukovsky's poetic reputation. For the first time, the author's contemporaries were able to feel their peace and the war that unfolded in the days of their lives. The poet more than once referred to the theme of the Patriotic War of 1812, in such poems as "To the Leader of the Winners", "Singer in the Kremlin", "Borodino Anniversary".

Poems about the war of 1812 by G. R. Derzhavin

During the battles of Russian soldiers, a creation that is voluminous in terms of images and content is created by Derzhavin. He writes this "Lyroepic hymn for driving the French out of the Fatherland" when he turns 69. The author presents the struggle against the Napoleonic invasion as a struggle of a universal scale with world evil, like the Apocalypse, the "prince of darkness" is struck by the sword of the leader of the North. The poet, like no one else, manages to show the power and strength, the great role in achieving the victory of the people.

Fables I. A. Krylov talk about the war of 1812

Krylov tells about the events in a completely different way in his famous fables. So, in the fable "The Crows and the Hen" in the simple-minded dialogue of two birds, the essence of the moral conflict between various strata of the population of Russian society of that time is exposed. Those who believe Kutuzov, who left Moscow, and those who hope to join the enemy camp, denying the correctness of the commander. No less poignant and spite of the day was written the fable "The Pike and the Cat", which contained an epigram about Admiral Chichagov, whose wrong decisions led to the advance of the French army at the Berezina.

The fable "The Wolf in the Kennel" has become epic, because it is so easy to guess the whole plot of the people's war in it.

Poetry F. N. Glinka

As a participant in the war, Fyodor Nikolayevich Glinka wrote his first military song in July 1812 at the walls of Smolensk, after the battles he created works about the most significant events of the Patriotic War - "Farewell Song of the Russian Warrior", "Song of the Watchman" and "The Wounded Warrior after Borodinsky battles tells peaceful villagers about the invasion of the enemy and awakens in them courage to fight for the salvation of the Fatherland "," Song of the Russian soldier at the sight of burning Moscow "," Vanguard song ". Events and characters are guessed in the works by the names of the heroes and the names of the indications of their location. Glinka creates her masterpieces, relying on the folk soldier's song, they sound solemn and refer us to folklore.

Poetry of N. M. Karamzin

One of the most notable phenomena of poetry of those years was N. Karamzin's ode "The Liberation of Europe and the Glory of Alexander I" (1814). While writing the ode, its author had already retired from literature for ten years and devoted himself to creating a huge work - "History of the Russian State". Therefore, the ode should not be perceived as something separate from the "History of the Russian State". This work is no less a historian, where facts are mentioned, and the goal is also set - to enlighten contemporaries, give them true images of their Fatherland and become free from past illusions.

Poetry of A. S. Pushkin

Pushkin takes a fresh look at the events of the Patriotic War. In 1915, he wrote the poem "Napoleon on the Elba", where the deposed emperor is represented by the same devil of hell as his loyal poets portrayed him. And in his ode "Napoleon" he gives a contradictory analysis of the activities of the French conqueror, noting deep details of his character and disposition. In this work, Pushkin breaks away from the usual understanding of current events and finds in the Great French Revolution the source of those really significant changes in Europe that initiated many subsequent events.

Pushkin gives his responses to the needs of the modern reader in such works as the poems of the 1830s: "Before the Holy Tomb" about the Polish uprising in Europe and a new wave of calls to go to war against Russia, "The Commander" about Barclay de Tolly, the prosaic sketch "Roslavlev ".

The theme of the war of 1812 in the poetry of M. Yu. Lermontov

Lermontov was looking for his heroes in the history of past years. The poet was born in 1814 and has his own idea of the Patriotic War. He writes the poem "Borodino" in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. In it, he describes strong personalities that he does not find in his contemporaries around him. Lermontov shows such an interest in the history of his people, because he is looking for a heroic become in it, a strong spirit and bright personalities.
