What Is A Prefecture

What Is A Prefecture
What Is A Prefecture

The concept of "prefecture" is not characteristic of the Russian language; this borrowing came as a result of the administrative reform, during the restructuring of local authorities in the European manner.

What is a prefecture
What is a prefecture

Prefect - literally "chief", as in Rome they called all the leaders who were responsible in the city for one or another direction of activity. There were trade prefects, those who monitored the supply of millet, the purity of the water, the collection of taxes, etc.

Praefectus urbi had the right to occupy the Roman throne during the absence of the emperor. With his order, of course.

Today in Russia the prefecture serves as the governing body of the administrative district, in France the term "prefecture" means the position of the prefect (the highest official who performs the duties of a policeman and manages the district assigned to him); in Japan, Greece and the Central African Republic, the prefecture is called the main administrative-territorial unit of the country. During the time of the Roman Empire, the four main regions of the Empire belonged to the prefecture - Italy, Gaul, Illyrikium and the East.

Prefecture activities

Using the example of the capital of Russia, one can consider all the functions and duties of the prefecture. In the administrative district of the city of Moscow, Vladimir Borisovich Zotov, who heads the territorial executive body of the capital, which is subordinate to the city government, is currently the prefect. The appointment and removal from office of the prefect is the responsibility of the mayor of the city.

The prefecture in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the city, its laws, as well as federal laws and other legal acts of the country.

Obligations of the prefecture

In different dictionaries, you can find a large number of different concepts of this term. At the moment, the most relevant is the first definition that characterizes the term as a governing body.

The main duties of the prefecture can be considered:

- control and coordination of the work of the administrations of the districts of the capital, which are under its authority of state enterprises, as well as institutions of the city of Moscow;

- representing the interests of the city government to the extent of their powers;

- performing the functions of the recipient, as well as the manager of the city's state budget funds;

- the organization of the execution of works on the repair of road facilities, the improvement of subordinate territories and the cleaning of abandoned land;

- coordination and control over the implementation of capital repairs of apartment buildings.

The list of functions and powers of the prefecture is very voluminous, in fact, it is an organizationally executive and partly administrative body of local self-government, which differs from municipalities in greater powers and a larger zone of government.