Why You Can't Eat Pork

Why You Can't Eat Pork
Why You Can't Eat Pork

Both the Bible and the Qur'an provide a list of animals that should not be eaten. It is believed that God gives food to cows, chickens, etc., but not pigs. In principle, this prohibition applies to Christians, but Muslims follow it to a greater extent.

Why you can't eat pork
Why you can't eat pork

Why Muslims are not allowed to eat pork

For Muslims, the ban on eating pork is entirely based on their faith - Islam. The fact is that the main holy scripture of Muslims - the Koran - contains prescriptions that strictly limit the followers of the Islamic faith in certain actions. It is believed that a Muslim will be able to get as close to Allah as possible only by strictly observing all his instructions. In particular, this applies to the consumption of pork meat.

Research conducted by nutritionists today explains in its own way why pork is not recommended for food. The fact is that these animals have a difficult urinary system, which leads to an excess amount of uric acid in their meat. People who eat pork consume about 90% of this acid. Of course, this negatively affects the human body.

The oldest teaching - Kabbalah - claims that the prohibition on pork in the Bible concerns the physical, but not the spiritual world of man.

Moreover, it has been proven that tapeworm eggs are often found in pork. Do not forget that pigs are omnivores. In addition, they have a striking anatomical resemblance to humans: they have the same body temperature as humans, and some internal organs can generally be used for transplantation to humans.

In medicine, there are cases when children were born with pork atavisms (pork tails, stigmas). Perhaps it was this fact that formed the basis of the scriptures as a prohibition on the use by a person of similar organisms. In other words, it is possible that pork should not be eaten simply for ethical reasons.

Pork consumption in Islam

Muslims must adhere to this prohibition unconditionally, since the worship of Islam is the foundation of their entire life. One can only guess that such restrictions are designed to ensure safety not only for the soul of any Muslim believer, but also for his body. Literally, the Qur'an says the following about this: “A true Muslim should eat only quality food. He should definitely give up blood and pork. Only then will he be able to count on the forgiveness and mercy of Allah. Only then will he save his own life."

There is another explanation why Muslims cannot eat pig meat, according to him, in hot countries, where Islam is mainly preached, pork spoils very quickly. But this statement does not hold water.

Christian ban on pork

It is connected with the fact that Jesus Christ in the New Testament compared pigs and dogs with people who in their lives do not want to be imbued with Divine Revelation, do not honor the Most High. Eating dogs is generally considered a sin among Orthodox Christians. There is only one exception - the forced consumption of these animals in the name of their salvation. Basically, the same goes for pork. It is curious that no one says anything about the canine "comrades-in-arms" - cats.
