The Most Famous Russian Artists

The Most Famous Russian Artists
The Most Famous Russian Artists

Russia has a rich history of culture and art, in which there are many names of wonderful artists known throughout the world. These creative people left us an invaluable legacy that we can admire today in museums.

V. M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs"
V. M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs"

19th century artists

XIX century. is considered the golden age in the history of the development of art and culture in Russia.

I. I. Shishkin, undoubtedly, belongs to the place of a strong draftsman of landscapes. This great artist created many good paintings, unsurpassed in the accuracy of conveying plant forms, a subtle understanding of nature. The works written by Shishkin are admiration and admiration for Russian vegetation. The artist seems to be writing a poem to the flora. The subjects of his best canvases are: Russian forest, meadows and fields. For example, "Stream in the Forest", "Pine Forest", "Rye", "Ship Grove". The life of the forest is well conveyed in the artist's widespread painting "Morning in a Pine Forest".

The name of the talented artist I. K. Aivazovsky. His work is inextricably linked with landscapes, the theme of which is the sea, coast or naval battles. The artist's paintings reveal the whole character of the sea, it comes to life under his brush. It should be noted that he never painted from life, but relied only on his good memory and imagination. Aivazovsky's famous painting "The Ninth Wave" makes an indelible impression. This is a romantic hymn praising the power of the elements, despair and courage of people.

Landscapes of the outstanding artist I. I. Levitan are surprisingly lyrical. He was able, in the simplest and most ordinary motive, to find something close and dear to a Russian person, to fill an ordinary landscape with feelings and charm. The artist's talent manifested itself in the canvas "March". Here the painter conveyed a cozy habitable landscape in which we do not see a person, but we feel his presence. The poetic mood and love for simple moments of life are also felt well in Levitan's canvases "Quiet Abode", "Spring - Big Water", "Cloudy Day on the Volga".

Artists of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries

Great painters of the turn of the century are looking for harmony and beauty in their works, trying to instill in those around them a sense of beauty. At this time, new styles for Russia appeared: Art Nouveau, Symbolism, Cubism, Suprematism.

V. M. Vasnetsov is best known as a master of the fairy tale plot. His best canvases stand out for their good drawing, color being a secondary medium of expression. The artist creates monumental paintings that take the viewer into the world of dreams, among them "Alyonushka", "Heroes", "Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf." Vasnetsov also writes works with well-thought-out historical plots. The most famous of them is the work "Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible".

I. E. Repin from the earliest works showed himself as a versatile person. He worked in different genres and he liked it. He could paint completely different canvases at the same time. Among his folk art, the work "Barge Haulers on the Volga" is widespread. Here he denounces his modernity, the exploitation of the people, but at the same time shows the ripening power of protest. In the genre of historical painting, the painting "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan" is known, as well as the canvas "The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan."

Unusual Russian artist K. S. Malevich has become an iconic figure not only for our country, but also for world art. He is the founder of the Suprematist style. The first painting of which is considered to be "Black Square". The meaning of this direction is complete non-objectiveness. The canvases are filled with geometric shapes painted in vibrant, pure colors. Suprematism became the artist's main contribution to the history of art.