Best Russian Writers And Translators

Best Russian Writers And Translators
Best Russian Writers And Translators

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The modern reader does not always think about the fact that the works of great foreign masters of fiction become accessible and understandable thanks to the work of talented writers and translators. It is these people who help to understand the thoughts contained in the lines of the works of foreign authors, to get acquainted with the stylistic features of their work. The work of translators makes it possible to enjoy reading books created by writers and poets from different countries and cultures.

Best Russian Writers and Translators
Best Russian Writers and Translators


Step 1

The translation into Russian of remarkable works of classical foreign literature begins in the eighteenth century. Famous Russian writers and translators include V. Zhukovsky, I. Bunin, N. Gumilyov, A. Akhmatova, B. Pasternak, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, E. Evtushenko and many others. All of them are talented masters of the artistic word with a high level of education and culture.

Step 2

The poet and translator V. A. Zhukovsky, Pushkin's “teacher” and educator of the tsar's heir, began his work as a translator, following the spirit of classicism. The poet was looking for a means of depicting heroes that would most fully convey their inner world, and in his own way strove to reveal the meaning of the original. V. A. Zhukovsky gives himself complete freedom, so "other people's" works acquire his personal bright individuality. In the texts of translated works, which often deviate from the original, the poetic personality, the character of the romantic poet, is determined. Russian readers recognized Byron, Schiller, W. Scott, Goethe with the help of Zhukovsky's translations. The ancient Russian poem "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" and the "Odyssey" of the ancient Greek singer Homer sounded in their native language.

Step 3

The famous poet and writer I. Bunin was an excellent translator. In a close to the original, the unsurpassed arrangement of "Song of Hiawatha" by Longfellow, awarded the Pushkin Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the writer retained the musicality and simplicity of the language, the author's artistic and pictorial means, even the arrangement of the poems. Until now, Bunin's translation of Longfellow's poem, based on Indian mythology, is considered the best. The outstanding master of poetic translation I. Bunin introduced the Russian reader to Byron, A. Tennyson, lyrics by A. Mitskevich, T. Shevchenko and other poets.

Step 4

B. L. Pasternak, a representative of the Silver Age, said with confidence that the translation should reflect the impression of life and should represent an independent work of art. The poet was not attracted by the resemblance to the original. Translations of foreign authors close to him brought unparalleled success: this is Goethe, highly valued by Pasternak (the tragedy "Faust" occupies the central place); Shakespeare, whose translation of tragedies acquired the impression of richness and power of images; Rilke, who, with his work, helps the poet to see the entire universe as a whole. Boris Pasternak translated many works of Slavic poets, among which one can note the original Boleslav Lesmyan and Vitezslav Nezval.

Step 5

Translation of poems has been a favorite hobby of S. Ya. Marshak, who later chose the most significant works of art for transcription into his native language. The translations created by him contain all the charm of the original: they retain the national character of a foreign author, the peculiarities of the era. Old English and Scottish ballads, Shakespeare's sonnets, the poetry of Wordsworth, Blake, Stevenson found in Marshak an excellent translator of English literature. The Scottish poet Robert Burns, according to A. Twardowski, became Russian thanks to the translator, while remaining Scottish. Burns's books, talentedly translated by Marshak, were noted: he received the title of honorary citizen of Scotland. The main goal of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak for half a century was a passionate desire to acquaint the broad masses of people with the masterpieces that make up the treasury of world literature.

Step 6

K. I. Chukovsky, a renowned children's writer and literary critic, is the author of a wonderful translation of Mark Twain's favorite books. K. Chukovsky's translation activities were accompanied by the works of the famous English writer Oscar Wilde.

Step 7

V. V. Nabokov was the author of translations of the classics of our literature, such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev, and his own works into English, he also translated many works of foreign writers into Russian. V. Nabokov believed that in order to preserve the rhythm of the text, all the features of the original in the translation, it is necessary to follow the accuracy. In emigration, Nabokov became an English-speaking writer and stopped creating works in his native language. And only the scandalous novel "Lolita" was published in Russian. The writer probably wished for the translation to be accurate, so he decided to do it himself.
