Who Are Pacifists

Who Are Pacifists
Who Are Pacifists

Pacifists are people who are against violence, war and armed confrontation. They follow a social movement called pacifism. As a rule, these people use only peaceful means of resistance to violence, for example, demonstrations, including the so-called “sit-in meetings”, when protesters form a camp.

Who are pacifists
Who are pacifists

History of pacifism

Exploring world history, you can find many ethnic groups who professed pacifism. For example, these are the Moriori people who inhabited one of the islands of New Zealand in the distant past. He adhered to religious beliefs that forbade wars and built confrontations. True, the fate of these people was sad: the Maori tribes landed on the island, which did not have such prohibitions. They were able to subjugate the Moriori with ease.

Researchers also note one of the branches of Hinduism, Jainism. It is a religious movement, pacifist in nature, and it plays an important part in shaping the cultural characteristics of modern India. But Jainism should not be confused with Buddhism: the latter does not at all imply pacifism. Buddhist monks were often warriors, and some of the famous types of wrestling and military gymnastics were developed precisely in Buddhist monasteries.

In the history of Europe, the first pacifists can be called the Stoics. Since the ancient Greek culture influenced the entire subsequent civilization of European countries, it can be confidently asserted that patheticism is to some extent one of its facets. The Stoics believed that if you show benevolence, you can win favor even among bad and aggressive people, but if you commit violence, then even good people will turn their backs on you.

The early Christians were also mostly pacifists, but they did not condemn military service. Later, with the organization of the world church and, especially after its division into Orthodox and Catholic branches, pacifist sentiments were expressed only by individual Christians, and from theological philosophy this issue almost disappeared altogether. However, many branches of the official church that constantly appeared, defended pacifism, for example, they were Cathars, Waldensians, some Franciscan movements, and also the Hussites. Many outstanding people of the past opposed military confrontations, including Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Modern pacifists

Modern pacifists were greatly influenced by the two bloody wars of the 20th century: the first and second worlds. As many people died on them as did not die in all previous wars in which humanity participated throughout its history.

Today, in words, all world organizations and politicians profess pacifism. They declare that they seek to prevent war and bloodshed by any means possible. But not everyone trusts these statements, since in reality the situation sometimes turns out to be the opposite.

Among the social pacifist movements, the hippies are the most famous. This movement, which originated in the 60s, swept the whole world for about 10 years, and gradually its popularity waned. But the hippie sign - pacific - is still a symbol of peace and love for one's neighbor.

Modern pacifists believe that war, by definition, cannot be a means of resolving conflict. Definitions such as "sacred", "liberation", "lawful" are not applicable to such a word as war. They stage peaceful demonstrations and protests, defending their beliefs in a non-violent way.