What Is Nationalism And What Forms Of It Are Known

What Is Nationalism And What Forms Of It Are Known
What Is Nationalism And What Forms Of It Are Known

Nationalism is an ideology or trend in politics based on hypertrophied forms of national consciousness that proclaim the ideas of national superiority and exclusivity. Nationalism has many different manifestations and plays a rather active role in the international political arena.

Symbols and slogan of one of the Russian nationalist movements
Symbols and slogan of one of the Russian nationalist movements

The main thesis on which the fundamental principles of nationalism are based is the assertion of the primacy in the state-forming process of the value of the nation as the highest form of social unity. Nationalism has many forms and trends, some of them fundamentally contradict each other. In the political arena, nationalist movements in relations with state power always defend the interests of only a certain national community.

The basis and support of this ideology is the national feeling, very close to patriotism. Loyalty and devotion to one's nation, work for the good of the nation, political independence, unification of national identity, cultural and spiritual growth of the nation: these are the main slogans propagated by nationalism.

In the modern world, there are several forms of nationalist movements that solve their own ideologically defined tasks. The famous Jewish historian and philosopher Hans Kohn introduced concepts such as ethnic and political nationalism into the classification of nationalism - these types are considered the main forms of this ideology throughout the world. He also argued that both of these concepts are inherent in any mature nation that exists in the world, and many experts on this issue agree with him completely.

Political nationalism

This form also has other names: political, Western, civil or revolutionary democratic. Political nationalism rests on the assertion that the degree of a state's legitimacy is determined by the active participation of its citizens in political decision-making processes. The main tool for determining the degree of state participation in the representation of the "will of the nation" is a survey of citizens, which can take the form of elections, referendums, public issues, etc.

The belonging of each person to the nation is determined only by his personal choice - to be a citizen of a given state and the desire to live with others on a single territory. Political nationalism is considered an internationally recognized legal norm of modern life.

The political form of nationalism also has two subspecies: state and liberal nationalism. The concept of state nationalism is based on the fact that a nation is formed only by those people who solve the problems of strengthening and maintaining the power of the state. Any interests and rights independent of these tasks are not recognized in principle, since they are considered violations of the unity of the nation.

“Medvedev is no less, in a good sense of the word, a Russian nationalist than I am. I do not think that it will be easier for our partners with him. He is a real patriot, actively defending Russia's interests in the international arena,”- Vladimir Putin.

Liberal nationalism preaches universal human values of human rights, asserting that moral patriotic categories should occupy a subordinate position in relation to them.

“The power, greatness and wealth of the entire state consists in the multiplication and preservation of the Russian people, and not in a vain territory without inhabitants,” - Mikhail Lomonosov.

Ethnic nationalism

He asserts that a nation is a phase in the development of an ethnos, that the members of a nation are united by blood ties, language, traditions, religion, history, community, origin. Currently, political movements that focus specifically on ethnic nationalism are called "nationalist".

The most active supporters of the nationalization of ethnic nationalism are, as a rule, representatives of ethnic elites close to power or eager for power. In a state built on the principles of ethnic nationalism, there is less competition and more opportunities to gain and retain power.

A radical form of nationalism

This form of nationalism preaches the exclusivity of a particular nation relative to others, even if these nations are located on the territory of one state. Practically in all countries, radical nationalism is officially recognized as a socially dangerous phenomenon and is equated in degree of danger to extremism. In the Russian Federation, for the propaganda of radical nationalism and incitement of interethnic hatred, criminal punishment is provided.

The ideas of radical nationalism are a key component of Nazism and Fascism. Active propaganda of these ideas leads to chauvinism, xenophobia and separatism.