How Hippies Dressed

How Hippies Dressed
How Hippies Dressed

Hippies are a youth subculture that appeared in the sixties. As a rule, the style of clothing of any subculture correlates with its worldview, and hippies are no exception. They followed the ideals of freedom and spirituality, and wore appropriate clothes: simple and free cut, often with ethnic motives. Many tried to express themselves by decorating their outfit in a variety of ways.

How hippies dressed
How hippies dressed

Hippie principles and clothing

Some of the characteristics of the hippie style are related to how they perceived themselves. Since most of the followers of the subculture were vegetarians, they did not use leather in clothing, preferring natural fabrics.

Hippies protested against the dominance of corporations and general unification, so they did not wear clothes that had a manufacturer's label. Sometimes the tags were simply cut off.

As a rule, jeans were popular with hippies, as they were cheap and durable clothes. At that time, jeans had not yet become the most fashionable and popular pants in the world, it was hippies who made them so. They could wear the same jeans all the time, they rubbed off and got a shabby look, but real hippies didn't care. They did not create holes in jeans on purpose, as punks would later start to do, it all happened naturally. Hippie jeans were decorated with beads, embroidery, painted with paint. As a rule, representatives of this subculture preferred wide bell-bottoms, and if the pants had a straight cut, they themselves inserted wedges made of multi-colored fabric into them.

Naturalness and natural beauty were appreciated. Therefore, both girls and boys often wore long hair, young men did not shave. Sometimes fresh flowers were woven into their hair, they loved to wear fresh flower wreaths. Loose dresses, tunics and long robes were incredibly popular among both sexes.

One of the characteristic features of the hippie style is the so-called baubles - bright bracelets made of threads and beads (the word comes from the English thing) and a hiratnik - a bandage or diadem on the forehead (from the word hair).

Modern trends in hippie clothing

Modern fashion actively borrows ideas from subcultures popular in the past, and hippies are no exception. Several trends started by hippies are especially popular and fashionable now. These are, first of all, natural motives that appear in patterns and designs on clothes. Also, these are natural fabrics (chintz, linen, cotton and silk), embroidered with ethnic patterns, while the colors are usually natural, soft and muted.

Shabby clothes and holes in jeans - this trend was first adopted by punks and other subcultures, and then it migrated to fashion catwalks. Today, jeans with various scuffs or open holes have not gone out of fashion for several years, only the shape and style of the worn fabric changes.
