Former personal doctor President of Belarus, a woman about whom Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko does not like to talk publicly, the mother of his youngest son Nikolai - Irina Stepanova Abelskaya.

Biography and career
Irina Abelskaya was born in a small town in the South-West of Belarus - Brest, in 1965. Irina went to Minsk to get higher education. After graduating from the Minsk State Medical Institute, she remains in the capital and goes to work at the 9th Republican Clinical Hospital.
The turning point in Irina's biography came after 1994, when Alexander Lukashenko took over as President of Belarus. There was a need to choose a personal doctor for the "Father". Lukashenka’s confidants from the administrative apparatus stopped their inexplicable choice of a personal physician for the President on a young woman, who by that time was already unencumbered by family ties and obligations, however, and had no significant achievements in medicine. Irina at one point became the Chief Physician of the Republican Hospital of the Presidential Administration, in which all patients significant for politics were examined, and received the title of doctor of the highest category. However, Irina's main responsibility was to constantly accompany the 40-year-old President on trips.
Relations with the President have never been commented on or advertised by anyone. Officially, Alexander Grigorievich had a legal wife, and Irina always remained nothing more than the personal attending physician of the Head of Belarus.
A career in a republican clinic ended after the death of Irina's mother, the Minister of Health of Belarus. This period coincided with a decline in the President's interest in Abelskaya as a woman - he began to allow rude statements about her and stopped showing even the slightest concern. During this period, Irina disappears from the field of view of journalists for several years and begins an ordinary non-public life.
You can find information that during this period Irina got married, worked in an ordinary clinic as an ultrasound doctor and lived away from the Head of Belarus - in Sochi.
After a while, in November 2009, the President reinstated Irina as the Head of the Republican Hospital of the UDP. In 2010, she again became a member of the Interdepartmental Medical Commission of the Republic of Belarus. And in 2011, Irina defended her doctoral dissertation.
Personal life
Irina never advertised the details of her personal life. Irina's first marriage was short-lived. The husband studied with her at the medical institute. After the divorce, Irina raised her eldest son Dmitry alone.
The first conclusion that Alexander Grigorievich and Irina had a common son, Nikolai, was made by journalists. The President introduced the 4-year-old boy in 2008 as one of the future successors and announced that Kolya's mother is a doctor. Since then, Kolya began to appear in public only surrounded by his father. The boy does not approach his mother during official visits.
Today, the details of Irina Abelskaya's personal life have not been disclosed.