Minister Of Foreign Affairs Of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin: Biography

Minister Of Foreign Affairs Of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin: Biography
Minister Of Foreign Affairs Of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin: Biography

Reinterpreting a well-known popular saying, we can say that politicians are not born. They become politicians. Since the ways of the Lord are inscrutable, one can accidentally find oneself in any sphere of human activity. Although each case has a specific prerequisite. Pavel Anatolyevich Klimkin came to politics on the crest of cardinal social changes. And while he skillfully navigates the flow of events and news.

Pavel Klimkin
Pavel Klimkin

From physicists to politicians

Every adequate person chooses a profession in accordance with his abilities and inclinations. The actors and the singer are pleased to be in contact with the audience. Politicians and businessmen have to do it as needed. Pavel Anatolyevich Klimkin holds the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. This is a public office, and he has to constantly be under the biased surveillance of journalists, government colleagues and just curious citizens. Every step he takes, literally and figuratively, receives an appropriate assessment.

The biography of Minister Klimkin can fit into several lines. Pavel was born in December 1967. Parents lived in the city of Kursk. A simple, as they say, a Soviet family. The child grew up in abundance. I studied well at school, but I didn't have enough stars from the sky. Having received a certificate of maturity, he went to Moscow, where he received a higher education. The future diplomat graduated from the Moscow PhysTech in 1991 and became a certified specialist in the field of applied mathematics and physics. By assignment, he began to work as a junior researcher at the Institute of Welding in Kiev.

It so happened that the beginning of labor activity coincided with global social and state cataclysms. A large country - the Soviet Union - where the work of physicists and mathematicians was always in demand, ceased to exist. Pavel Klimkin spent a little over a year within the walls of the institute laboratory. He did not even manage to figure out and understand how a researcher lives, and what prospects he should be guided by. In 1993, Pavel Anatolyevich was invited to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

Career growth

The newly formed state of Ukraine required qualified specialists “on all fronts”. Pavel began his diplomatic career in the Department of Military Control and Armaments. At that time, it was very important for the country to determine its status in the international arena. One of the key questions was whether to keep nuclear weapons on the territory of the country or abandon them. Klimkin, possessing a broad erudition in technical topics, actively participates in negotiations at various levels. They turn to him as an expert in solving problems that are important for the country.

For three years, up to 2000 inclusive, Klimkin worked as the secretary of the embassy for scientific and technical issues in Germany. During this period, he has developed stable contacts with specialists from different countries of the European Union. Pavel Anatolyevich solves practically all orders and tasks that are set before him by the government and the president with a positive result. It is gradually gaining weight in the international community. Klimkin is sent as an advisor-envoy to the UK, where he worked for four years.

In the summer of 2014, Pavel Anatolyevich Klimkin holds the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country. Personal life in the bustle of business does not go very smoothly. I had to part with my first wife. She stayed at work in one of the European countries. Both sons live with her. In 2015, the Minister remarried. Perhaps this is love, since the husband and wife are careful about their relationship. You can make a meaningful film or write a novel about this, but so far Pavel Klimkin simply does not have time.