What Is The Difference Between Fascism And Nazism

What Is The Difference Between Fascism And Nazism
What Is The Difference Between Fascism And Nazism

In modern society, it is customary to equate the terms "nationalism" and "fascism". However, this is not entirely true. These two concepts were combined during the Great Patriotic War in the USSR. In the Soviet Union, the National Socialists began to be called "fascists", which caused bewilderment among many German prisoners. In fact, the ideologies of fascism and Nazism differ from each other.

What is the difference between fascism and Nazism
What is the difference between fascism and Nazism

What are fascism and nationalism?

Fascism is based on the totalitarian power of the state and the complete subordination of the individual to it. Fascism is characterized by the cult of the personality of the ruler, the one-party system of government and the superiority of the titular nation over other peoples. Fascism existed in Italy, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Brazil and other countries.

National Socialism is a mixture of the ideology of Nazism and socialism. Formation of extreme right-wing beliefs and hostility not only towards rivals for power, but also towards people of another nation. Nazism was only in Germany during the Third Reich. In our time, this political ideology is banned all over the world.

Similarities and differences between the two ideologies

In the theory of Nazism, race is fundamental. The enemy is identified according to his nationality. The impossibility of his persuasion and education is affirmed, only complete physical elimination is required. There was nothing of the kind in fascism.

For Nazism, the highest value was the people (in Germany it was the Aryan race), and the fascists put the state above all else.

During the Third Reich, the Nazis were in serious conflict with the Church, while in Italy, under the Nazis, the Church even strengthened its positions. The Nazis were essentially pagans and mystics. This was reflected in the widespread use of pagan symbols and the Nazi leaders' craze for the occult sciences, Eastern religions, Christian heresies, as well as the search for the Holy Grail.

Nazism was characterized by a cult of traditions and rejection of something new. The capitalist structure of society was closely associated with the activities of the Jewish race. Italian fascism, on the contrary, was actively friends with the capitalists, who at that time actively financed the activities of the ruling party.

In 1933, Hitler and his Nazi party burned down the Reichstag and blamed their opponents, the Communists, for it. Harsh repression began, and after winning the elections on January 30, 1933, Hitler's party came to power.

In Italy, fascism came to power in 1922 after Mussolini's victory in the elections, before that the fascist party had a seat in parliament.

Fascism in Italy and Nazism in Germany have many similarities. In both countries, concentration camps were created, where those who were dissatisfied with the ruling regime were placed. Both states began to actively intervene in the economy. Mass repression became the mainstay of the government, secret police were created and reports were encouraged.