What Do They Do With Rapists In Prison?

What Do They Do With Rapists In Prison?
What Do They Do With Rapists In Prison?

In our country, they know firsthand the answer to a similar question. In general, the prison theme has always been in the air since the time of Stalin's repressions. However, this issue needs to be sorted out in order to avoid implausible rumors.

What do they do with rapists in prison?
What do they do with rapists in prison?

Before the jail

Rapist is a slang word that defines a person who has committed sexual or physical violence against another person. This includes people who use violence, both adults and people over the age of eighteen.

The amount of punishment depends on the severity of the crime. Violence is defined under Articles 131-135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. According to the results of the trial, a person can either receive a fine for an administrative violation or go to a correctional colony - it all depends on the circumstances committed by the defendant.

After the capture of the person who committed the crime, he is placed in a pre-trial detention center (SIZO), the rules provide for a separate cell for him. But even at this stage, difficulties may arise, it often happens that the accused is placed in a common cell before the court ruling, where inmates are already paying close attention to him. In such situations, a certain "lynching" can already be carried out over him.

After a person has been given a measure of punishment while serving in a correctional institution, the life of a rapist begins behind bars.


General position

Prison life, like any social institution, has its own laws by which people live or survive. They are often not written, and are passed by word of mouth, if I may say so. In addition, they can be recorded in some albums of prisoners (a kind of demobilization album). And, as you know - materials from such "collections" can wander from album to album and further throughout the country.

In the nineties - the peak, flourishing of prison culture and its penetration into the masses - crimes such as "theft" and "murder" were considered "pure". They did not imply mockery of the victim, these people were a kind of "cleaners" of society. However, there are deviations everywhere.

And rapists, especially children, were considered “not people”. In their cells, they were subjected to both psychological breakdown and submission, and sexual violence with coercion, so that the "hunter" was in the place of the "victim".

However, closer to our years, the rules have shifted somewhat. If the perpetrator proved the adequacy and fairness of his actions in relation to an adult, he was not touched. Pedophiles and complete maniacs who enjoyed their actions fell into disgrace. They were no longer given a chance.


Specific actions

If a person was imprisoned for violence against a woman and was able to prove his innocence or the correctness of his deed (for example, some kind of blackmail by his wife), he may stop being persecuted. This accused has proved that he can remain a "man".

If a man is convicted of sexual abuse against other men, he automatically becomes a common lover. Moreover, here it is necessary to distinguish between two categories - "lowered" and "rooster".

"Omitted" is a general or someone's specific slave who cleans up after everyone (or the owner), can perform the functions of a teacher (feed, put to bed, massage), sleeps next to a latrine, eats only from his dishes and no one he does not touch him and does not shake hands, otherwise one can also become “lowered”.

"Rooster" is a general or someone's personal lover. Moreover, he may not perform the functions of a slave, but serve only for comfort. The zone does not mix waste and sexual gratification.

If a person ends up in the zone for child abuse, then no excuses and even the opportunity to buy off will not help him here (it is not uncommon for one to justify oneself with a single payment or a constant payment). Such a person will automatically be considered a non-resident. And he may not even live to see the trial. It is not uncommon for accidents to be adjusted at the moment of the so-called stage (transportation of a prisoner to a place of imprisonment).

However, there were cases when they still managed to prove their innocence. For example - if a person was seduced by a minor, deceiving that she was already eighteen years old.

The same story happens with maniacs, those who take pleasure in inflicting damage. With these people, as well as with proven pedophiles, they do not stand on ceremony.


The realities of society

In our modern society, the topic of pedophilia is very easy to raise; the risk group may include teachers and leaders of children's sections and circles. They may get in the way of an inadequate parent, who may see a sexual subtext in his actions, and here it will not be a matter of small things.

However, it is impossible to speak now about real cases and real life behind bars with absolute certainty. Usually, stories from this life come to us in a corrected or crippled version, because no one tells the bare truth.

Real stories

The first

“After I was convicted, I ended up in cell No. 147. It was a "common fund" in which there were about forty people. Convicts are not put in tees. On the same day, a young guy, no older than 18, was put in a cell. He looked like he was 13 years old in general. They sentenced him to ten years. For the fact that he allegedly raped someone. The attention of all the inmates of this cell fell on him. After all, rapists are not respected in prison. But he was clearly in great shock from his sentence. On the verge of hysteria.

The overseer began to find out the circumstances. It was necessary to decide where to define the boy. Most of the convicts sitting for rape are transferred to roosters, or they become devils. The guy gave his sentence to study. By the way, surprisingly, authoritative people who have no faith in garbage, very much even believe in all sorts of official papers, sentences by imprisonment and so on. Especially when there is no rooster in the cell, but you want affection.

Depends, of course, on the adequacy of the beholder. In this particular case, the case was clearly sewn with white thread. According to the papers, he raped two girls in two hours. It was in the entrance of a sixteen-story building. He came to an acquaintance, and dragged her and her friend into the stairwell, and raped them in the stairwell. Then in the elevator, then in the attic, and even on the roof of the house. While raping one girl, he held the second one by the legs with his hands so as not to run away, then he changed them, the second he had, the first was held by the legs. He finished, according to the description, at least a dozen times. Well, sexy super giant straight.

He did not look the same as the prosecutor presented him. According to him, the girls decided to punish him for something. He had met the first one earlier, the second did not even know. But the victims were believed unconditionally. The opera has powdered his brains, and he blabbed a lot of things not necessary. And what they did not say at the trial, how the girls were not stupid and confused, nothing helped.

If the guy had money, in the worst case, he would get a condition, or maybe this moronic business would be closed altogether. But there was no money, the parents were beggars.

At first it was painful to look at him in the cell, he looked very sorry. At the meeting it was decided that there is nothing to punish him for, and let him live as he can.

After some time, a miracle happened, and the sentence was canceled, and he was given only three years."

The second

“Most likely, you heard what the convicts do in prison with those who have committed rape? And I personally saw it several times live and I will tell you - not the most pleasant sight.

I sat several times, not very long. At first, as soon as you enter the cell, according to prison customs, they will recognize the article for which you are hoping. If a person lies about his article and the others find out about it, he will not be happy. It is not difficult to find out about this, many have connections with the head of the prison, the head of the security, etc. Such an incident happened before my eyes.

A new prisoner was placed in the cell. She lied about her article saying that the burglar, knowing what would be done to him if they found out that he was imprisoned for rape. It all quickly surfaced and he was stabbed to death right in the cell. Another rapist told the truth, probably because he did not know about the consequences.

They immediately lowered him and began to mock him. The next day he was made a rooster. The whole cell had it, except for me and a few other prisoners. And he cried and begged, but nothing worked, they adhered to the prison laws and the one who was supposed to become a rooster became them."