How To Spend The Day Of The Sacrament

How To Spend The Day Of The Sacrament
How To Spend The Day Of The Sacrament

The day of the communion of the holy body and blood of Christ is a special celebration for an Orthodox person. Therefore, at this time, a person needs to preserve his soul and body from sin in a special way, trying to spend the day piously.

How to spend the day of the sacrament
How to spend the day of the sacrament

A believer is prepared for Orthodox communion with special trepidation, because the day of communion of the holy mysteries is a holiday for a Christian. The Church strongly recommends people to prepare their souls for communion with the holy things through fasting and a special prayer rule, which includes certain canons, as well as a sequence read directly for communion. If a Christian with deep faith and comprehension of the upcoming event starts communion, then the soul of a person experiences special joy.

The Church recommends that people spend the day of the sacrament righteously and reverently, thinking about eternity. This is no coincidence, because the Christian communed with God during the Liturgy. We can say that the sacrament makes a person holy until the moment of the fall of the latter. Thus, not only the day of the sacrament, but also all the subsequent time after participation in the sacrament, a Christian should try to refrain from sin.

On the day of the sacrament, it is recommended to read sacred texts from the Bible (especially the New Testament). It will also be useful to partake of the creations of the Holy Fathers of the Church. To feel the full depth of the meaning of the sacrament, an Orthodox Christian can turn to the teachings of the saints regarding this holy sacrament.

Immediately after communion, an Orthodox person must thank God by reading special thanksgiving prayers, which are published in many prayer books. After communion, the practicing Christian should not forget about the private prayer rule.

On the day of communion with the Lord, the believer tries to minimize amusements: for example, watching TV, excessive ridicule. Foul language, idle talk (as well as other lewdness) is not allowed. A believer should not spit on the day of Holy Communion.

Thus, the day of the sacrament for a Christian, which is special, should be spent in comprehending what has happened and striving for as long as possible to preserve the purity of the soul and holiness, granted through the union of man with God.
