Why You Can't Use Foul Language

Why You Can't Use Foul Language
Why You Can't Use Foul Language

Mat has long been considered an integral part of culture, and therefore today few pay attention to it. Less and less reprimands are made to people who "pour" swear words. Those who are accustomed to swearing are sure: it is swearing words that make it possible to simplify the argumentation of speech and make it possible to express emotions. But, fortunately, there are also people who consider swearing outrageous and unacceptable.

Why you can't use foul language
Why you can't use foul language

In fact, if you think about it, swearing is not just unethical. It is also an expression of contempt for the opinions of others. So why can't you use foul language?

It is known that swearing can be used both to express emotions (in case of failure, in a conflict situation, and so on), and for a bunch of words. In the second case, obscene words often "patch a gap" in the vocabulary. If speech is poor, “well,” “in short,” appear, and if a person is also ill-mannered, then abusive expressions appear. People get so used to the mat that sometimes it becomes a bad habit, to get rid of which is no easier than, for example, quitting drinking or smoking.

If a person cannot be without a mat, this means that he has any complexes, he simply cannot competently construct his speech. But some swear so masterly that it seems as if a person has perfected this art all his life. But in any case, listening to foul language is unpleasant.

Especially you need to pay attention to your speech to people who have small children. Kids easily, literally "on the fly" grasp every word, repeat after mom and dad. So watch what you say. Even if you accidentally hit your finger with a hammer or slip and fall, do not swear.

Think in advance what you can say in such cases. After all, the mat can very easily be replaced with interjections, of which there are plenty in the Russian language. Watch not only for the absence of obscene words in speech, but also for the purity of the language as a whole. Let there be no parasitic words, various jargon. Make it a strict rule.

But if a child "brought" a bad word from kindergarten or school, you need to immediately talk to him, strictly, but rather gently. Explain to your child that swearing is not nice. Give examples when swear words and expressions let people down, put them in an unpleasant position.

There are also cases when a child hears somewhere a dirty word and asks the parents to explain its meaning. Tell that this word is spoken only by bad people who want to offend someone. If you explain everything softly and correctly, then, most likely, your children will no longer want to use words in communication with you and with peers that do not at all serve as an adornment of the great Russian language.
