How Much Is A Ticket To The Hermitage

How Much Is A Ticket To The Hermitage
How Much Is A Ticket To The Hermitage

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The Hermitage is a magnificent museum in St. Petersburg, representing a real treasury of Russian culture. At the same time, a ticket to this museum complex is not so expensive.

How much is a ticket to the Hermitage
How much is a ticket to the Hermitage

Ticket price

Without exaggeration, the Hermitage can be called a national treasure of Russia. Therefore, it is not surprising that this museum attracts a large number of not only Russian, but also foreign tourists who strive to personally enjoy the best works of Russian painting and sculpture, as well as personally appreciate the interiors of a real royal palace. Moreover, only the main complex of the Hermitage, located on the Palace Embankment of St. Petersburg, includes five buildings - the Winter Palace, the Small and Big Hermitages, the New Hermitage, and the Hermitage Theater.

The pricing policy of the Hermitage management is oriented in such a way as to provide Russian citizens with greater accessibility to visiting the museum complex. By the way, this policy is adhered to by a significant part of the museum institutions of St. Petersburg. Thus, an adult ticket, which provides the visitor with access to all the main expositions presented in the complex of buildings on the Palace Embankment, costs 350 rubles for Russian citizens. In addition, citizens of Belarus, which is a member of the Customs Union with Russia, can visit the museum complex for the same price. This cost of an entrance ticket to the Hermitage was established from July 1, 2014.

But for foreign citizens wishing to visit the complex of buildings of the Hermitage, located on the Palace Embankment, a ticket will cost 400 rubles. You can also buy a ticket for two days, which will cost 500 rubles. Therefore, in order to confirm their right to purchase a ticket at a more affordable price, a Russian citizen must present a document confirming his status, for example, a general civil passport.

Free visit

Some categories of citizens can use the right to admire the collections of the Hermitage free of charge. In particular, they include pensioners, but only those of them who are citizens of Russia. Therefore, to visit the museum of this category of citizens, you must have a pension certificate with you. In addition, children of preschool and school age, as well as pupils and students, enjoy the right to visit the Hermitage free of charge. At the same time, these categories of citizens can visit the museum complex for free, regardless of citizenship.

And the first Thursday of every month is the day of free admission to the Hermitage for all visitors. However, it should be borne in mind that even with a free visit, any visitor, be it a schoolboy, student or pensioner, must receive a special free ticket at the box office of the institution, presenting a document confirming its status.
