Kosheleva Margarita Nikolaevna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Kosheleva Margarita Nikolaevna: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Kosheleva Margarita Nikolaevna: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Dreams come true and don't come true. Margarita Kosheleva was going to become a ballerina. And even graduated from a choreographic studio. However, for objective reasons, she began acting in films. She did well.

Margarita Kosheleva
Margarita Kosheleva

Starting conditions

Creative successes and failures are impossible to predict. Although there are certain techniques used by experts and analysts. Margarita Nikolaevna Kosheleva became famous throughout the country after the release of the film "Vertical". The picture appeared on screens in the early 60s, at a time when the younger generation needed role models. The actress played the role of an experienced and confident climber. She worked on the set next to the already famous actors Vladimir Vysotsky and Gennady Voropaev.

The future actress was born on December 1, 1939 in an intelligent Soviet family. Parents lived in Moscow. My father worked in the Ministry of Metallurgy. Mother taught cultural studies at the university. The house tried to create an environment for the all-round development of the child. The girl from an early age began to get involved in dancing. At school, Margarita studied well. She actively participated in public events and amateur art shows. After graduating from school, she decided to get a special education at the choreographic studio of the Bolshoi Theater.


Films and roles

Margarita was admitted to the choreographic studio, but with a serious reservation. The fact is that the tall girl did not meet the current parameters for a ballerina. This fact significantly limited her opportunities for creativity on stage. Such restrictions did not exist in the cinema. Moreover, high growth often became an advantage when approving an actress for a certain role. Kosheleva did not remain unemployed for long. The textured ballerina was offered to play in the film "Katya-Katyusha". Then she did an excellent job of directing in the films "Peers" and "It Was in the Spring."

Kosheleva's acting career was quite successful. Almost every year she was invited to a new project. She was remembered by the audience in the films "Keys to Heaven", "Attention of Citizens and Organizations", "I Want to Believe". Critics noted that the actress was reincarnated in diverse characters. The venerable directors skillfully used the actress's talent in their films. Kosheleva was able to bring a special energy to the films "Scarlet epaulettes", "How the steel was tempered", "Night motorcyclist".


Recent years and personal life

Circumstances developed in such a way that Kosheleva had to move to Kiev. Here she was on the staff of the Dovzhenko Film Studio. In the last decade of the last century, the actress practically did not act in films.

Personal life Kosheleva developed dramatically. In her youth, she married an aspiring director. The husband and wife were in no hurry to have children. The husband died unexpectedly in the 90s. Margarita Nikolaevna spent the last years of her life in solitude. She passed away in October 2015.
