What Is Kiriopasha

What Is Kiriopasha
What Is Kiriopasha

For many people it is known that the main holiday of Christians is the Bright Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, called in one word - Easter. But few people know that sometimes this holiday is called Kiriopasha.

What is Kiriopasha
What is Kiriopasha

The word "Kiriopasha" itself is translated as the Lord's Easter (from the Greek word "Kyrios" - Lord). Kyriopascha is a very rare day in the calendar - the time when the feast of the Resurrection of Christ coincides with the great twelveth feast of the Theotokos with the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, namely from April 7, according to the new chronology.

It is known that the Christian Orthodox Easter is a passing celebration and depends on the Jewish Passover (which, in turn, is calculated according to the lunar calendar). Orthodox Easter can fall for a rather long period of time: from April 4 to May 8, however, the coincidence of this great holiday with the event of the proclamation of the good news of the conception of Christ to the Mother of God can happen only a few times in a century. So, in the last century, Kiriopasha fell on pre-revolutionary times (1912) and the year of the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991). In the current century, Kiriopasha is expected in 2075 and 2086.

Easter in conjunction with the Annunciation is called the Lord's very symbolically. Even the ancient fathers and teachers of the Church of the first centuries expressed the opinion that Christ was resurrected on March 25 (according to the old style, that is, on April 7 according to the new chronology). Therefore, the naming of the holiday Kiriopaskha also has a historical context.

The divine service on the day of Kiriopascha is being transformed. It is especially difficult for the clergy and temple directors, because they have to combine Easter hymns with the service of the Most Holy Theotokos. Usually on Easter, it is customary to sing most of the service, but on Kiriopash, in addition to Sunday chants, readings from the service of the Most Holy Theotokos are inserted.