Does A Person Have The Right To Revenge

Does A Person Have The Right To Revenge
Does A Person Have The Right To Revenge

Feelings of resentment have a destructive effect on the human psyche. For your own good, you need to be able to forgive and forget the negative. Unfortunately, some people are unable to let go of the situation and make plans to take revenge on their offenders. But their right to such retribution is still in question.

Does a person have the right to revenge
Does a person have the right to revenge

Action of thirst for revenge

Negative people who are dissatisfied with life and have low self-esteem, as well as egocentric natures, are more prone to thoughts of revenge. When a person cannot forgive an offense, he multiplies negative emotions, winds himself up, forgetting that the situations themselves are neutral, and the color they are given by the feelings that they offend in us. The one who dreams of revenge most of his inner resources gives up his anger and resentment, lives in this negative. In such a state, there can be no talk of any mental balance, ability to create and love.

Even after carrying out his plan of revenge, a person often does not feel satisfaction. And it cannot come, because the troubles caused by the offender do not diminish from revenge. But negative thoughts can bring a lot of consequences into the life of the revenger, up to the loss of well-being, health and loved ones. Think about the fact that your vindictiveness can cause a backlash, and then there will be no end to intrigues and swearing. It turns out that a person has no moral right to revenge, since this is an unfounded, destructive feeling. Everyone decides for himself whether to show prudence and nobility or to sink to thoughts of punishing the offender.

Learn to forgive

Put yourself in the shoes of the abuser and try to fully justify him. Perhaps this exercise will already be enough to find peace of mind. When people understand the reasons for the actions of others, it is also easier for them to bear the resentment. Talk to your opponent directly, sort things out in a calm manner. Maybe the person did not even think of harming you, but you are already making plans for revenge and enveloping yourself in negativity.

Don't thicken the paint. Sometimes, under the influence of emotion, people exaggerate their troubles. Maybe no tragedy happened, and the insult inflicted on you is absolutely not worth avenging for it. Sometimes you should feel sorry for the person who wronged you. After all, a positive, contented person with life and himself will not seek to offend, humiliate or punish someone.

Think about why you were so inflamed by someone else's act. Maybe it's because of low self-esteem. Then you need to increase your sense of self-worth and depend less on the opinions of others. Then the negative from other people will not hurt you so.

Believe me, every bad deed is followed by retribution from the universe. And without your curses and intrigues, which sometimes bring harm exclusively to you, the villain will be punished. You may not know how, but this does not mean that the defendant will evade retaliation.