What Signs Of The Zodiac Is Rhinestone Suitable

What Signs Of The Zodiac Is Rhinestone Suitable
What Signs Of The Zodiac Is Rhinestone Suitable

The name "crystal" comes from the Greek word krystallos and translates as "ice". Other names for this mineral are Bohemian diamond and Arabian diamond. Rock crystal is quartz. Like other minerals, many medicinal and mystical properties are attributed to it.

Rhinestone is sometimes called Bohemian or Arabic diamond
Rhinestone is sometimes called Bohemian or Arabic diamond


In ancient Greek myths, heroes, kings and gods drank only from crystal goblets. And this is no coincidence. At that time, it was believed that crystal is capable of expelling diseases from water or, in modern terms, disinfecting water.

It is also believed that rhinestone placed under the pillow saves a person from nightmares, relieves insomnia and unreasonable fears.

Tibetan healers applied crystal balls to wounds. They were sure that as soon as the sun's rays hit the affected area through the stone, the wounds would heal. Today scientists have explained this ability of rock crystal. It turns out that when ultraviolet rays pass through the crystal, all bacteria die, which contributes to a speedy recovery.

Rhinestone and zodiac signs

Alchemists of the Middle Ages said that rock crystal is the skin of the planet, which helps to perceive signals from the astral world and the Cosmos. Since ancient times, it was believed that this stone endows its owner with the gift of clairvoyance. But, like any other mineral, it does not suit all signs of the zodiac.

There are several types of rock crystal, and each affects a person in its own way. The smoky mineral stimulates the imagination. However, it also distorts reality. Astrologers say that it should be worn by the signs of Air (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra), as well as people born under the sign of Water (Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio).

For earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo) smoky crystal can be worn only in one case - if they suffer from drug addiction or alcoholism. This stone is believed to heal these serious conditions.

Smoky crystal is absolutely contraindicated for Sagittarius and Capricorns. People born under these signs are prone to excessive fantasies, so this stone will make them real liars.

Black crystals of rock crystal help communicate with the souls of the dead. This stone can only be worn by those born under the sign of Scorpio.

As a talisman, rock crystal crystals attract to their owner the joy of life, love, sympathy of other people, peace of mind, luck and well-being.

Transparent crystals of rock crystal with opaque inclusions are called "hairs". Stones with needle inclusions are called "arrows of Cupid", and with fibrous ones - "hair of Venus." The names of these stones speak of their main purpose - to attract love and happiness.

Greenish rock crystal crystals bring health and peace of mind to their wearer.

Transparent rock crystal, "hairy" and greenish crystals can be worn by all signs of the zodiac, without exception.
