Violin History

Violin History
Violin History

There is no doubt that everyone knows the violin. An exquisite body, soft, classical sound makes the violin the most attractive of the whole string and bowed instrument group. It has four strings, and although they are the same for all violins, their timbre can be completely different. This is most often due to the difference in materials.

Violin history
Violin history

There are alto and soprano violins - instruments played in low and high registers, respectively. Also, violins can be made of wood - the so-called acoustic violins, or they can be made of metal or, in extreme cases, plastic - electric violins.

Violins, as well as pianos, perform equally well in ensemble and solo play, so there is an uncountable number of works for violins, and they continue to be created.

According to some sources, the Spanish fidel is considered the ancestor of the violin. Other resources say that her ancestors were Arab rebab and Kazakh kobyz. At first, these instruments formed the so-called "viola", which is where the Latin name for the violin comes from - "violin". Violins became widespread (as a folk instrument) in Romania, Ukraine and Belarus.

The best violins in the world are the violins of the great, talented Italian master - Stradivari, or rather the so-called "golden period" of his work - the late 17th - early 18th centuries. The violins he created sounded so magical and extraordinary that his contemporaries said that he sold his soul to the devil. It is known that Stradivari created about 1000 violins, but only about 600 violins of the great master have survived to our times, each costing from one to three million euros.

Some interesting facts. Albert Einstein once performed in a pub, playing the violin. One journalist who was following this and after finding out the name of this artist wrote a note about it in the newspaper. Einstein kept it for himself and told everyone that he was a violinist and not a great scientist. There is also a legend that while painting "Mona Lisa", Leonardo Da Vinci ordered to play the violins. It is believed that her smile is a reflection of music.
