How Russia Will Live

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How Russia Will Live
How Russia Will Live

Video: How Russia Will Live

Video: How Russia Will Live
Video: How Do People Live in Russia? 2024, October

Russia has been assigned a special role in the history of mankind. One gets the feeling that she is opposed to dark forces, being a stronghold of spirituality and deep wisdom. As a result, everything will be good for Russia, since good always wins.

Image of Russia
Image of Russia

Russia is an amazing country. She was repeatedly attacked by invaders, but always successfully repelled attacks or rose from the ashes after a lethargic sleep.

Suffice it to recall the events associated with the popular movement led by Minin and Pozharsky. It would seem that the Poles seized political power, the boyars were bought, and the disaffected were killed, or imprisoned, but the common people first gather in a two-thousand army, which grows as they approach Moscow. As a result, Russia is free again.

Even when the whole world is against, Russia is still invincible

There have been many similar cases in the history of the country. Russia seems to be opposing the invisible world government, the fist of which is currently the United States. Previously, this same fist was Sweden, Poland, France, Germany, Byzantium and so on. Even Alexander the Great tried to seize part of the southern lands, but was captured for a month, after which he was released. Sources claim that after his capture, he did not even think about capturing even a piece of land from the territory of present-day Russia.

Nowadays, Russia is experiencing a phenomenon usual for historical epochs - another attempt to seize and destroy the country. But if earlier confrontation turned into open hostilities, now the seizure is taking place through the substitution of values, ideological attacks on the consciousness of people. As a result, the rampant drunkenness, drug addiction, psychology of consumption.

Moreover, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the collapse of the economy began, which led to the impoverishment of the population. Attempts were made to get out of the crisis, which led to an even greater crisis. No wonder, since everything that was proposed in the 90s came from people far from practical economics.

Crimea is just the beginning of a long journey

But Russia has always been recovering, becoming even stronger. She, like a forest beauty, braids her braid every time, straightens her dress and continues her way to her intended goal. After the return of Crimea to Russia and a real civil war in Ukraine, it became clear to everyone that the time had come for decisive actions in foreign policy. Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are a great trinity. The peoples must live together and peacefully.

The Russian president received a rating boost after decisive actions related to Crimea. Moreover, people again felt pride in their power, as the West got "in the nose" and economically. Russia was supported by China and a number of countries in the Middle East. Unfortunately, the Ukrainian people in this case played the role of a martyr who took upon themselves the cross of openly opposing the invasion of Western ideology. This was predicted five years ago by prominent political scientists. Hopefully, the sacrifices will stop and peace will come.

Bright future for Russia

Undoubtedly, Russia is gradually gaining momentum again both in foreign policy and in the economy. It dawned on the leadership that it was impossible to be a raw material appendage of the progressive Western world. It is necessary, as in the old days, to rely only on oneself - to restore agriculture, develop nanotechnology, and raise ruined production. This is what the president and his team are aiming for.

According to the predictions of the ancients, the time has come for Russia to flourish. It is designed to become the center in both the spiritual and material planes of the entire Earth. It is in Russia that a new understanding of the world should arise, which will unite all existing religions. Russia will live well and brightly, but before that a number of steps must be taken. The first steps have already been taken.
