What Is 228

What Is 228
What Is 228

Recently, such a number as 228 has flashed more and more often. You can see the symbols with this number on hats, T-shirts and T-shirts. And on the social network VKontakte, groups with this name are often found. Those who are well acquainted with the criminal code know that there is article 228. So, what connects all these facts and what does this number mean?

What is 228
What is 228

What does Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation mean and why is it given?

Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is given for a crime related to drugs and psychotropic drugs. Namely, for illegal storage and purchase of drugs, processing of plants containing psychotropic substances and their transportation. For all of the above actions, the court can impose a fine of 140 thousand rubles or force him to correctional labor for a period of 4800 hours. But if we are talking about more serious violations, the court has the right to toughen the punishment and deprive the violator of the law of freedom for a period of 3 years or more. In this case, the fine increases to 500 thousand rubles.

Hats, T-shirts and T-shirts with symbols 228

On the streets of cities you can meet young people who wear clothes with 228 symbols. This action means that they are against the slogan "No drugs!" Those who wear such clothes understand that they cannot be prosecuted for this. They can only stop in the street to ask a few questions.

The details of the wardrobe with the number 228 depicted on them significantly attract the attention of the police.

T-shirts and hats with 228 symbols are mainly worn by people who use psychotropic substances, or "soft drugs". Many narcotic substances are firmly entrenched in their positions and are not even inferior to alcohol in their popularity among young people. From this it is clear that today it is possible to get a substance of narcotic origin without any particular problems.

Such paraphernalia began to enjoy popularity thanks to the work of Noggano and his musical composition “Summer, Autumn, Cigarettes. 228 ". Therefore, on the back of the caps you can find the inscription "Noggano". Currently, the 228 T-shirt, T-shirt or hat can be ordered online. Also today you can buy a similar product in any clothing market.

What does the inscription “be afraid of the number 228 if you powder your nose” mean?

We are not talking here about simple powder, but about such narcotic substances as ephedrine and cocaine. Those people who use these substances prohibited by Russian law carry a small amount of it in their pocket in order to “powder their nose” at the right time, that is, to make a few “snuffs”.

The phrase "be afraid of the number 228 if you powder your nose" became popular among a certain segment of young people thanks to one of Noggano's songs.

But for them it is a big risk, because even a small amount of drugs is enough to end up behind bars. The phrase "be afraid of 228 if you powder your nose" means "be afraid of article 228 if you are involved with drugs."

However, a term of imprisonment of up to 3 years or a substantial fine is not the worst punishment. So, the famous singer Whitney Houston died because of cocaine, which was later found in her blood. This dose was enough to stop the heart.

Symbol 228 in the social network VKontakte

On the VKontakte social network, you can find many groups with the same name as "228" and "two-two-eight". A large number of such groups are blocked by the administration of this resource. The fact is that there is a suspicion of the promotion of narcotic substances in them.

In addition, there are groups that distribute clothing with 228 symbols. This means that you can buy clothes on the social network. It is worth mentioning that in online stores hats and T-shirts with such an inscription can be purchased relatively inexpensively - from 700 to 1500 rubles.

Now you have an idea of what 228 is. And you can make a conclusion for yourself whether it is worth buying such clothes or not.