What Is Epistolary Genre?

What Is Epistolary Genre?
What Is Epistolary Genre?

The epistolary genre is not as popular as, for example, in the last century; nevertheless, the life of a modern person is unthinkable without it. Let us less often send letters by mail (meaning the Russian Post), but to transfer information we use the Internet and the telephone, write messages and pour out our soul through e-mail. It turns out that in this way you keep the "epistolary genre" afloat.

Writing and epistolary genre
Writing and epistolary genre

Epistolary genre - what is it?

If you turn to the explanatory dictionary, then the literal explanation of the concept will be "message" and "letter". The word epistole comes from Greece. In other words, what you are used to using to convey information both for the purpose of personal communication and in a business format is the epistolary genre. However, diaries, notes and memoirs do not belong to this genre, since in this case a person does not turn to anyone. The main difference between the epistolary genre and other forms is precisely in its focus on the addressee. It should be added that the style of speech is very specific. In the same note, the person will not pay as much attention to detail.

Epistolary style
Epistolary style

The origin of the epistolary genre

  1. The epistolary genre takes its origin in ancient times. It has nothing to do with fiction. The first representatives of ancient epistolography were Plato and Aristotle, they managed to expand the possibilities of the genre. The value of the letters of philosophers lies in the use of elements of didactics and journalism.
  2. Next comes the instructive epistolography of Epicurus. With the help of letters, the addressees of which were Pithocles, Menecaeus and Herodotus, the philosopher expounded his thoughts, but what could be called "instructive" eventually fades away. The author's brief comments become so insignificant that the reader's interest is rightly diminished. Letters change their appearance to the usual listing of facts.
  3. Rhetoric made a huge contribution to the genre. Humanity should be grateful to this particular science for the formal rules and patterns of written speech. Letters have become a formality, they have become a special kind of verbal art. It is also called fictitious writing literature.

What is the difference between letters and common oral speech:

  • style;
  • brevity (this is especially noticeable in comparison with oratorical speeches);
  • familiarity, as well as increased emotionality.

Epistolary genre and literature

Epistolary literature as such originated in Europe. The style of the French writers who worked in this genre was distinguished by sincerity, as well as amazing simplicity. A striking example of this - "Letters" (author - Jean Louis Guez de Balzac), literary works of Vincent Vuatur. The most famous representatives of the English elite who use writing in literature are John Locke, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott.

In Russia, when writing letters, the structure of the European exposition was completely repeated. The influence of European etiquette is especially noticeable in the era of Peter the Great. The Russian letter-writer published at that time is the most striking example. Since that time, our compatriots have had the opportunity to join this style of presentation.

Novels in letters - one cannot but mention this direction. Most likely, if we turn to a more or less erudite person, he will remember exactly this direction of the epistolary genre. Gabriel Guillerag is deservedly considered the first representative, "Portuguese Letters" (1669) - his most famous work. Epistolary novels became especially popular in the 18th century. From the pen of F. M. Dostoevsky's "Poor People" are born, readers are delighted. Further, there is a decrease in interest in the epistolary genre, but in the 20th century, decent works took place. Thus, V. Kaverin wrote the novel "Before the Mirror", and V. Shklovsky was remembered by the readers thanks to the novel "Letters Not About Love".

letter and pen
letter and pen

Private and business letters

It combines both business and private letters with an emphatically polite form of address. A business letter is most often written according to enterprise standards.

Private letter structure:

  1. Initiation (the date and time of writing the letter are indicated);
  2. Greeting;
  3. A short appeal, with the help of which a person expresses a special relationship to the addressee
  4. The essence of the letter (why did you need to disturb the interlocutor, thoughts in free form);
  5. Farewell (ending), special wishes or requests are also indicated here;
  6. Signature.