Even in the strongest families, disputes and disagreements sometimes occur. Spouses can quarrel among themselves, thereby upsetting their relatives and friends. In the Christian tradition, there are special prayers that help a person maintain a peaceful relationship in marriage.

It's always bad when there are disagreements in the family. It can harm children, family and friends. Sometimes the quarrels are so serious that the relatives of the spouses do their best to reconcile the warring couple. But this does not always work out. Then an Orthodox person can turn to God, the Mother of God and the saints for help.
In Christian liturgical practice, there are certain prayers that are designed to preserve love and peace between spouses. Prayers are called as follows - "a prayer for the increase of love and the eradication of hatred and all malice", and there is also a prayer for peace between spouses. In special petitions, the clergyman asks God for pacification of enmity, help in overcoming disagreements. Such prayers can be ordered, if necessary, in any Orthodox church. In addition, anyone can turn to God in their own words with a request for help.
In case of disagreement within the family, you can pray to the Mother of God in front of the icon "Softening Evil Hearts." There is a special prayer that is usually read before this holy image. It can be found in some Orthodox prayer books. You can also pray to the Mother of God in front of other icons, because according to the teachings of the Church, it is the Most Holy Theotokos who is the main intercessor of the human race.
Of the saints who have a special grace to help in family problems and to establish people in peace and love, several married couples stand out. Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia are famous as the protectors of those who have problems in family life. They can read certain prayers and ask for intercession both for themselves and for others. Another saints who can be asked to increase love between spouses are the Monks Cyril and Mary (parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh).