Why The Orthodox Church Calls Christ The God-man

Why The Orthodox Church Calls Christ The God-man
Why The Orthodox Church Calls Christ The God-man

In the Orthodox tradition, Jesus Christ is called the Messiah, the Savior, and also the God-man. The latter term appears in Christianity in the first centuries during the debate about the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ.

Why the Orthodox Church calls Christ the God-man
Why the Orthodox Church calls Christ the God-man

The designation of the Savior as the God-man indicates the duality of natures (natures) in Jesus Christ. So, according to the teachings of the Orthodox Church, the Lord Jesus Christ is the true God - God in essence in the literal sense of the word, as well as a perfect man. Orthodox dogmatic teaching proclaims to people that in the single second person of the Holy Trinity (Jesus Christ), after the moment of incarnation, there were two natures: the divine and the human. These two natures in Christ do not merge into one, do not separate, do not pass one into another, but from the moment of incarnation they are inseparable in the single second person of the Holy Trinity.

Speaking of Christ as the God-man, it is necessary to understand that Jesus possesses all the fullness of divine authority, equal to God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Christ possesses all divine properties. The only difference between Christ in deity from God the Father and God the Holy Spirit is the "birth" of God the Father. Orthodox theology distinguishes between divine persons in terms of fertility and procession. So, God the Father is not born from anyone and does not come from anyone, God the Son is born from God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit comes from God the Father.

It is also necessary to say about the humanity of Christ. The Savior was like people in everything, except for sin. Christ was a perfect man, a sinless man. The Savior, like people, had human emotions, sorrow, joy, feelings of thirst and hunger. So, in the Holy Scriptures it is said that Christ wept over the deceased Lazarus, grieved, felt thirst on the cross. These manifestations of humanity in Christ are called natural passions, which have nothing to do with sin.
