Who Is Eligible For An Old-age Labor Pension In Russia

Who Is Eligible For An Old-age Labor Pension In Russia
Who Is Eligible For An Old-age Labor Pension In Russia

The retirement pension, in accordance with the current Federal Law "On retirement pensions in the Russian Federation", is assigned upon reaching the retirement age and in the presence of a certain insurance experience. She can be appointed on general terms or ahead of schedule. In addition, persons of pre-retirement age who are officially registered as unemployed can receive it.

Who is eligible for an old-age labor pension in Russia
Who is eligible for an old-age labor pension in Russia

Receiving a labor pension on general terms

The officially established age at which a citizen has the right to receive an old-age labor pension is 55 for women and 60 for men. In addition, a pensioner must have at least 5 years of insurance experience, which includes all periods during which his employers made contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Persons who have insurance experience include everyone who worked for hire, including workers in creative professions, for whom deductions were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The insured also include those who made these transfers on their own, on a voluntary basis, as well as those who worked abroad and paid insurance premiums. Self-employed persons who paid insurance premiums and those citizens for whom this payment was made by other individuals will also have insurance experience.

Who can get an early retirement pension

Such an opportunity is provided to citizens who worked in hot workshops, in underground works and those associated with hazardous working conditions. In this case, if you have an insurance or general experience of 15 years for women and 20 for men, you can receive a labor pension 10 years earlier. Those who worked in enterprises with harmful working conditions can also apply for a labor pension earlier than the generally established age. Women with work or insurance work experience of 20 years and men, whose work experience is 25 years, can retire at 50 and 55 years, respectively.

Those whose labor activity was associated with underground and mining operations, teachers and healthcare workers, and those who worked in the Far North and in regions with special climatic conditions can also count on early registration of a labor pension.

Labor pensions for unemployed persons of pre-retirement age

In accordance with the provisions of Article 32 of the Federal Law "On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation", citizens who are officially recognized as unemployed can receive a retirement pension early, but not earlier than 2 years from the established total period. At the same time, the conditions of her appointment include: the inability of the territorial body of the employment service to employ this citizen if he has the necessary insurance experience. In addition, such a citizen should have become unemployed as a result of dismissal due to the liquidation or bankruptcy of the enterprise or staff reduction. An unemployed person is also required to agree in writing to become a pensioner early.
