What Rituals Are There In Buddhism

What Rituals Are There In Buddhism
What Rituals Are There In Buddhism

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Buddhism is not only one of the most ancient world religions, but also a whole philosophy of life. According to the Buddha's teachings, all life is suffering, based on our desires. To be happy, you just need to give up desires and follow the path of comprehending wisdom and enlightenment, which will bring real happiness and harmony.

Buddha is a symbol of spiritual enlightenment
Buddha is a symbol of spiritual enlightenment


Step 1

The most common rituals in Buddhism are directly related to paganism and the first meaningful ideas of a person about the world and its structure.

Step 2

One of the most sacred rites in Buddhism is taking refuge, which is akin to Christian baptism. First, the teacher must mentally prepare a person for action and give a blessing, otherwise difficulties are expected. Taking refuge is the realization of three gems: Buddha as the ideal of goodness and great Teacher, Dharma as a practice of transformation, and Sangha as the unity of all living. This rite does not make a Buddhist, it only enlightens a person and instructs him on the path of seeking truth. The initiate makes special obeisances, offerings and takes Buddhist vows.

Step 3

Vesak is considered the most important holiday of Buddhism, which requires a special action. Vesak is the birthday, enlightenment and death of Gautam Buddha. On this day, churches are decorated with lanterns, oil lamps are placed, postcards are sent to friends. Buddhists visit monasteries, bring their offerings, listen to chants and meditate throughout the night.

Step 4

The Buddhist New Year, or Tsagan Sar, requires certain actions. Prayers and solemn services take place in churches. On the eve of the holiday, the rite of Gutor takes place, i.e. purification, during which Buddhists throw out everything bad and unnecessary from home and life. Lay people are advised not to sleep all night until 6 o'clock in the morning and to attend the prayer, at the end of which the abbot wishes everyone a Happy New Year. The first day of the year should be spent with the family. After the end of the festive meal, the remnants of food with various rags, unnecessary trifles are placed in a red bowl, where they also put a figurine of a person sculpted from dough. This bowl serves as a ransom for the evil forces that must leave the home and family life. Then the bowl is carried to the wasteland and left there. You need to leave this place very quickly, in no case turn around, otherwise the evil forces will return.

Step 5

Also in Buddhism, great importance is attached to the rituals associated with the burial of a person. Even before death, clergymen teach a person how to meet death with dignity and what are its signs. According to the teachings, before death, a person should lie on his right side, put his hand under his head and think about the beautiful and light. Gradually, the lips of a person become dry, breathing slows down and all processes. Thus, the living dies and becomes nothing.

Step 6

It is important for the loved ones of the deceased to record all the data concerning death: the cause of death, the time, who was near, etc., and astrologers must, on the basis of these data, calculate everything necessary for burial. The first three days of the dead should not be moved, touched, so as not to frighten off his soul. On the day of burial, special prayers are read, the place of burial is consecrated, otherwise the relatives of the deceased will fail. Women are not allowed to visit the cemetery. Alcoholic drinks are not allowed during the funeral.