Whom The Church Remembers By Day Of The Week

Whom The Church Remembers By Day Of The Week
Whom The Church Remembers By Day Of The Week

In the Orthodox liturgical charter, there are several cycles of church services, called circles of worship. These include the annual circle of worship, the daily circle of worship, as well as the weekly circle of church services.

Whom the Church Remembers by Day of the Week
Whom the Church Remembers by Day of the Week

The weekly circle of worship of the Orthodox Church includes church followings dedicated to evangelical events, Old Testament events, as well as the memories of certain saints by the Church. The weekly cycle of worship of the Orthodox Church is very systematic and harmonious.


On Monday (the day immediately after the "week" - that is how Sunday is called in Christian practice), the Church recalls the heavenly disembodied forces. This is no coincidence, because according to the common point of view, angels were created before man. That is why the first day of the week is dedicated to the heavenly angelic hosts.


On Tuesday, holy prophets are remembered in the Church. The personification of the prophetic ministry at the junction of the Old and New Testaments was the prophetic and preaching feat of John the Baptist. This saint is also called the Baptist of the Lord, because it was he who performed the Old Testament baptism of Jesus Christ. In Orthodox prayer books under Tuesday is the canon or akathist to the holy prophet John.


Wednesday is the day of betrayal of Jesus Christ. This day in Christian practice is fast (except for the time of continuous weeks, when fasting on Wednesday and Friday is canceled). In church liturgical books for Wednesday, the canons of the Life-Giving Cross, as well as the Most Holy Theotokos, are laid.


On Thursday, the Church commemorates people who have worked especially hard in the preaching of the Christian faith. These were the holy apostles. That is why Thursday is the day of the holy apostles. In addition, on this day, the memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is celebrated - the great ascetic of piety, who is the successor of the holy apostles in the preaching of the Christian faith.


On Friday, the tragic events of the crucifixion of Christ are recalled. This is a fast day. On Friday, the mind of a Christian turns to the saving deed of the Lord, because it was through the death of the Savior on the cross that salvation was granted to man.


On Saturday, the Orthodox Church celebrates the prayer memory of all saints. The Heavenly Church is commemorated. In addition to addressing the saints, it is customary to commemorate departed relatives on Saturday. It is no coincidence that the main days of commemoration of the dead fall on Saturdays (meat-eating Saturday, Trinity parental Saturday, etc.). In addition to these special parenting days, each Saturday is separately dedicated to the memory of the departed.


Sunday is the most solemn day in the weekly cycle of worship. This is the time of remembering the event of the glorious Resurrection of Christ. The very name of this day indicates the historical memory of that great event that turned the course of human history.