When Water Is Consecrated In Orthodox Churches

When Water Is Consecrated In Orthodox Churches
When Water Is Consecrated In Orthodox Churches

Holy water is a great Christian shrine. People who take such water are able to receive healings from various diseases; they sprinkle holy water on their homes. Every Christian seeks to collect holy water in the temple on the days when the rite of consecration takes place.

When water is consecrated in Orthodox churches
When water is consecrated in Orthodox churches

There are two types of water blessing - great blessing and small.

When there is a great blessing of water

The Great Blessing of Water occurs only twice a year. On the day of Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 18) and on the Epiphany of the Lord (January 19). Blessing of water on Christmas Eve takes place in the morning after the end of the liturgy, and the rite of the great hagiasma for Epiphany is carried out either on the night of the 19th, or in the morning of the same date, but always after the festive liturgy.

When there is little consecration of water

Small blessings of water happen several times a year. So, on the bright week (week) Easter water is blessed. This takes place on Friday of Easter week, when the Church celebrates the memory of the Icon of the Mother of God the Life-Giving Source.

Small blessing of water is considered obligatory on the feasts of the Passing of the Holy Cross of the Lord (August 14) and the Prepolation of Pentecost (25 days after Easter)

In some churches, the rite of blessing water can be carried out on patronal holidays or on days of remembrance of revered saints (for example, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker). There is also the practice of small consecration of water on the day when the solemn consecration of the entire temple is performed.

There is a tradition of holy water prayers at miraculous springs and springs. This happens on the days of remembrance of the revered saints and icons of the Mother of God.

On other days, the consecration of water in the temple can also be observed. Believers can order a water-blessing prayer service at which the priest, at the end of the liturgy, can perform blessing of water.