Why Corn Is Called "The Queen Of The Fields"

Why Corn Is Called "The Queen Of The Fields"
Why Corn Is Called "The Queen Of The Fields"

It is believed that the benefits of corn are difficult to overestimate: its grains contain various vitamins and minerals, ascorbic acid, fiber, amino acids. What is the history of this culture in Russia? Why did it become so popular?

Corn Queen of the Fields
Corn Queen of the Fields

Go on a campaign to grow corn

Corn has become one of the country's staple crops thanks to Mr Khrushchev, a former Soviet leader. At that time, America retained the leading economic position in the world. The Soviet leader was looking for ways to catch up and overtake America. It was the American example of unprecedented prosperity that prompted Nikita Sergeevich to introduce corn into the country's agriculture. And in 1955, an appeal to the Komsomol was issued to the Komsomol members and all Soviet youth with the appeal: "On a campaign to grow corn!"

Corn fiber is considered to be especially beneficial. They are used for diseases of the liver, urinary tract, prostatitis.

The media began to promote the countless health benefits of culture. The sown area began to increase every year: in 1955, 18 million hectares were allocated for corn, and in 1962, 37 million hectares. The head of each agricultural enterprise had to report to the higher authorities on how many percent of his farm increased the sowing of corn in the field. This is how American culture became the real "Queen of the Fields". For many years, it has occupied the minds of the heads of agricultural enterprises and ordinary Soviet citizens. Various hybrid varieties of corn were purchased abroad. In the USSR, sticks, cereals, bread, and besides this, sweets and sausages began to be produced from corn. All these consumer goods have taken up honorable store shelves.

However, agricultural experiments with the participation of the "Queen of the Fields" ended in failure. Corn refused to grow where the climatic conditions were unsuitable. These are mainly the Northern and Baltic territories of the country. Agricultural workers stopped sowing huge areas with crops. Of course, corn has not been able to replace other crops such as rye or wheat. However, corn sticks still take place on store shelves.

Due to the content of vitamin E, corn has antioxidant properties, and therefore prolongs the youth of the body.

Corn is a waste-free grain

Over time, use was found for the stalk and other parts of the corn. The middle of the stem was used to make tissue paper. The stem itself began to be used for the production of building and packaging materials. Furniture is stuffed with airwraps of cobs and even furfural is obtained from stumps. In a word, this amazing cereal has earned the title of "Queen of the Fields" for a reason.