Who Are The Nazis

Who Are The Nazis
Who Are The Nazis

Nazism is an extreme manifestation of ideas of racial superiority, driven to fanaticism. Traditionally, he is associated with Hitlerite Germany and regimes that share her views. Modern Nazis bow before their spiritual inspirer - Adolf Hitler, transferring the ideology of the Third Reich to their peoples.

Who are the Nazis
Who are the Nazis

Racial superiority and fascism

At present, the Nazis, proclaiming Hitler as their idol, began to forget what the great dictator was talking about. In particular, in his famous book "Mein Kampf" the leader of Germany wrote that the only race worthy of existence is the Germans, because they are the descendants of the ancient Aryans. There were even institutions that determined the purity of Aryan blood: the size of the skull, the color and structure of hair and skin, and other parameters were taken into account. Hitler spoke unequivocally about other peoples: Negroes are a race of slaves, all Jews are to be destroyed, Russians should be reduced to a reasonable minimum, and Ukrainians and all peoples of Eastern Europe should hang beads around their necks, like the aborigines of Africa. "And in general, only I can decide which people should exist and which should be exterminated …" - one of the many public statements of Adolf Hitler, characterizing his attitude towards all nations without exception.

It was during the period of Hitler's first speeches that the most ordinary fascism began to emerge, in which there was no place for nationalistic, confessional and sexual liberalism. Homosexuality was persecuted by the Nazis on a par with Judaism, however, gays did not reach the Buchenwald stoves - they were shot on the spot or hanged. "Purebred" Germans, according to the ideology of fascism, were to become the fundamental nation on the planet, the rest of the races were waiting for the fate of the servants of this privileged part of humanity.

Healthy nationalism and Nazism

The line between healthy nationalism and Nazism is very thin. The French, who protect their language from foreign words, are nationalists, the Ukrainian ultranationalist party, calling for people to be shot for using the Russian language, are Nazis. The Scots who don the kilt or the Mexicans who prefer the ponchos are patriots, the European who donned the SS uniform is a neo-Nazi. But if the same Scotsman in a kilt declares his race the best in the world, he becomes a Nazi and a fascist.

Nazism in the modern world

Initially, only those who shared the views of the National Socialist Party of Germany, Italy and other countries were considered Nazis. After World War II, the Nazis went underground, but after several decades, extremely nationalist movements in various countries began to revive.

The first swallow flew in the early 90s in the Baltic States: hatred and fear of the power that liberated them resulted in the feeding of new Nazi organizations and the adoption of Russophobic laws. Later, similar organizations began to appear in Poland, Ukraine, Russia and other countries. Today these formations exist in almost every country, the only difference is that some operate openly, others secretly.

The most famous Russian neo-Nazi movement is RNU, they were also called skinheads. In the 90s of the XX century, detachments of skinheads often attacked foreign students, staged physical reprisals against people of non-Slavic appearance. Radical Islamists also profess the idea of superiority, but in their case, religious. Shariah courts and terrorist acts are aimed at exterminating non-believers, not only on the territory of their country, but around the world.