Why You Need To Read Fairy Tales

Why You Need To Read Fairy Tales
Why You Need To Read Fairy Tales

Fairy tales were told in antiquity, they are told and composed even now. The heroes have changed, the places of action have changed, but one thing has remained unchanged - in the battle of good and evil, good always wins.

Why you need to read fairy tales
Why you need to read fairy tales

A fairy tale is just such a story that is better perceived by children of all ages. She educates and teaches, helps to usefully spend leisure time. Vivid characteristic images from fairy tales affect consciousness and give a clear idea of good and evil to the child. All these fantastic stories contain certain stereotypes of behavior in a particular situation, offer ways to solve problems and life tasks. Often, fairy tales tell about a weak and helpless hero who, as a result of overcoming difficulties and difficult obstacles, becomes strong and wise. This is what reflects the essence of growing up and makes this process understandable for children. And the tasks that the character solves teach the child not to give in to problems, develop the flexibility of the mind, everyday ingenuity and cunning. The hero meets many other characters of the fairy tale on his way, talks to them. Children, reading or listening to a story, comprehend communication skills and memorize the behavior patterns of characters, all this develops them and prepares them for life in the real world. Adults, telling a work to a child, change the timbre of voice and intonation, thereby acting as a speech therapist. Kids literally look into the mouth of the narrator, involuntarily memorizing his movements and facial expressions. There are fairy tales for different ages. A child under three years old should not read the fairy tales of Pushkin, Carroll or Astrid Lindgren. Start with Kolobok, Kurochka Ryaba and other wonderful Russian fairy tales. The kid may ask you to read these books over and over again, do not refuse him - at this age predictability and positivity of the plot is very important, this calms the child and gives him a sense of security. After three to six years, select fairy tales with a specific and understandable plot, where they act animals and people. As before, these are Russian fairy tales, fairy tales of the peoples of the world and wonderful works of authorship by Andersen, the brothers Grimm, Bazhov and other wonderful authors. At this age, it is important to hear about the victory of good over evil, about the hero gaining love, happiness and wealth after all the difficulties he has experienced. 7-11 years old schoolchildren begin to try on the plot of a fairy tale for themselves, so books with acting characters of about this age will do. D. Rodari, A. Lindgren, A. Milne, A. Volkov and a host of other writers often chose and choose children as their protagonists. For teenagers, who themselves will decide which fairy tales to read, many works with more fantastic and magical plots. There is already adventure literature, fantasy, magic, love, cyberspace and much more. But these are all fairy tales! Do not stop reading them either - the ideas of these good stories are useful for adults, who in their hearts remain children forever.