If the stars are lit, then someone needs it. This fact was noticed long ago by the famous Soviet poet. Today nimble producers are on fire. Fashion model Sofia Nikitchuk won the next beauty contest. She is a star.

Starting conditions
Sofia Viktorovna Nikitchuk was born on October 20, 1993 in the family of a serviceman. Parents at that time lived in the little-known town of Snezhensk, which is located in the Urals. His father was responsible for the security of strategic facilities, his mother worked as a therapist at a local hospital. Sofia was the second child in the house. They pampered her, did not bother with strict morality and allowed much.
The girl grew up sociable. She studied well at school. She was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and almost professionally played volleyball. I managed to attend music and art school. With a certificate of maturity, she went to Yekaterinburg to get higher education, and entered the Ural University with a degree in personnel management.
The road up
Over the past two decades, the famous city of Yekaterinburg has been trying by all means and means to comply with European models and standards. As part of this mainstream, city beauty contests are held here. The first act of the outwardly attractive Sofia Nikitchuk was offered an engagement with the Alexandri modeling agency. After several shows, show business specialists recognized her. The next step was participation in the city beauty contest. Nikitchuk took first place and received the main prize - a Skoda car.
At the traditional Miss Russia pageant in 2015, Sofia Nikitchuk won a convincing victory. As a prize, she was presented with three million rubles and the keys to the Hyundai Solaris car. It's no secret that creativity on the podium brings a decent income. However, it also imposes certain obligations. The winner of a prize at the Russian competition must take part in a similar event of a global scale. Sofia had to go to the world championship in China, where she took second place and received the title of "Vice-Miss World".
Essays on personal life
The biography of Sofia Nikitchuk is just being written. To date, her career on the podium has developed successfully. But this type of activity is designed for a certain age of the participants. A successful fashion model doesn't get upset about it. She has already taken part in the filming of the historical film "Sofia". There is real hope that there is still a lot of work ahead. You can talk about Nikitchuk's personal life for a long time and with juicy details. But suffice it to say that she is not married yet.
Many macho dreamed of a wife like Sofia Nikitchuk, but she is not yet ready for this role. The husband looms somewhere on the horizon, although applicants present gifts and promise unearthly love. How the process will end, time will tell.