What Inventions Appeared In The 19th Century

What Inventions Appeared In The 19th Century
What Inventions Appeared In The 19th Century

In the 19th century, many things were created, without which modern technology would be impossible. The powerful technological progress that swept the whole world in the century before last was the result of scientific discoveries. The main achievements of the 19th century were undoubtedly the use of electricity and the breakthrough in communications.

What inventions appeared in the 19th century
What inventions appeared in the 19th century

In the first half of the 19th century, the only reliable means of transmitting messages between continents were sea vessels. But the steamship mail operated with a significant delay, so the inhabitants of the American continent learned about important events in Europe, for example, with a delay of one to two weeks. In the early 1930s, Russian inventor Pavel Schilling successfully tested the telegraph and designed a rubber-insulated submarine cable. In a short time, telegraph lines have entangled the entire globe. Since then, the news began to reach anywhere in the world in a matter of minutes.

Three decades after the invention of the telegraph, American Bell patented the first telephone. The ability to transmit human speech over a considerable distance made this invention one of the brightest achievements of civilization. All modern means of communication, including mobile communications and video conferencing systems, originate in an unpretentious-looking device that did not even have a call.

Modern civilization cannot be imagined without a car. This invention, which changed the face of the planet, also appeared in the 19th century, but first in the form of a ferry car. The first full-fledged car with an internal combustion engine was created by the Austrian master Siegfried Markus in 1864. It is interesting to note that the "horseless cart" on the streets of cities was at first so unusual that an image of a horse's head was attached to it in front. This, to some extent, gave the motorized sidecar a similarity to a traditional carriage.

Active experiments with electricity, carried out by many scientists over the years, led to a revolutionary invention - the light bulb. Many inventors worked on the technical device of the light bulb, but the American Thomas Edison made the most significant improvements in its design. Thanks to the work of Edison himself and the efforts of his employees, by the end of the 19th century, lighting with the help of electricity became firmly established in the life of European and American cities.

Most of the inventions appeared naturally, as a result of emerging and developing actual human needs. Thanks to the seemingly imperceptible efforts of tens and hundreds of inventors of the 19th century, today people enjoy many technical benefits, without even thinking about how much trial and error their creators had to go through.
