What Is Achilles' Heel

What Is Achilles' Heel
What Is Achilles' Heel

Latin, ancient Greek, Sanskrit - all these are "dead" languages, many phrases and expressions of which have been lost over time, others have lost their meaning. Individual words and phrases are used to this day thanks to myths, traditions and legends. But few people think about their origin and meaning.

What is Achilles' heel
What is Achilles' heel

The origins of the popular expression "Achilles' heel" originate in ancient Greek mythology. Achilles, or (later) Achilles, is one of the greatest ancient heroes, born of the marriage of King Peleus and the sea nymph Thetis. According to legend, when Achilles was born, his mother learned that fate prepared her son immortal glory: he was to become one of the most famous heroes fighting under the walls of Troy. But there he had to die young, in the prime of life. And then she decided to make Achilles invulnerable. According to one version, she rubbed the body of her child with ambrosia every night and kept it on fire. According to the other, she lowered Achilles into the sacred waters of the underground river Styx, while holding him by the heel. But one day Peleus saw it. He was horrified by the actions of Thetis and, drawing his sword, tried to kill the nymph. Thetis fled from her husband's palace before she could finish what she had begun. So the whole body of Achilles was tempered, except for his heel. The time has come, and King Menelaus began to collect heroes throughout Greece in a campaign against Troy. He also called Achilles. In the battle for Troy, Paris, directed by Apollo himself, struck Achilles with a poisoned arrow. He hit him in the heel - the only vulnerable spot on the body of Achilles. This is where the expression "Achilles' heel" came from. the only vulnerable, or weak, place. Now this phraseological unit is also used in relation to any weaknesses ("sore spots") of a person. And not always these are some physical aspects, more often this expression is used to denote moral, psychological or spiritual vulnerability. Moreover, this term is used in medicine. Doctors call the "Achilles tendon" or "Achilles heel" ligaments that run from the calf muscle to the heel. This tendon is considered the strongest in the human body and plays an important role in the process of raising and lowering the heel and foot.
