Zorin Vladimir Yurievich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Zorin Vladimir Yurievich: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Zorin Vladimir Yurievich: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Harmonization of interethnic and interreligious relations is of great importance for the integrity of the country. Russian political scientist Vladimir Zorin has been studying this area for many years. At one time, he held high positions in the government.

Vladimir Zorin
Vladimir Zorin

Starting conditions

In recent decades, scientists, public figures and regional leaders have been actively looking for new forms of social cohesion. Russia initially emerged and developed as a multinational power. Small and large nations found refuge and protection on its territory. Today new approaches are required for organizing the joint development of the economy and society. Vladimir Yuryevich Zorin, a member of the Council for Interethnic Relations under the President of the Russian Federation, has extensive experience in this matter. For many years he studied the features of interethnic relations and helped to put them in order.

The future doctor of sciences was born on April 9, 1948 in an ordinary Soviet family. Parents at that time lived in the city of Vinnitsa in Ukraine. My father worked in the party organs. Mother taught mathematics. In the mid-60s, the Zorin family moved to the famous city of Tashkent - their father was transferred there to strengthen the party cadres. In 1970, Vladimir Zorin graduated from the economic department of the Tashkent Institute of Public Education. After graduation, the graduate stayed in teaching at his own institute.


Professional activity

Zorin did not have time to engage in scientific observations, since he was nominated for Komsomol work. The young and energetic man was fortunate enough to travel a lot in remote villages. Communicate with people of different ages and professions. He saw with his own eyes how ordinary collective farmers and workers live. A few years later, Vladimir Yuryevich was transferred to party work. In the late 1980s, he was elected a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan. However, the party career had to be abandoned. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Zorin moved to Moscow with his family.

For two years Zorin taught history and social studies at one of the Moscow schools. I tried to do business. In 1996 he was elected to the State Duma on the lists of the party "Our Home Russia". Zorin headed the Duma Committee for Nationalities Affairs. In 2001, Vladimir Yuryevich was appointed to the post of Minister for Federation Affairs, National and Migration Policy. In 2009, Zorin decided to leave the political arena and return to scientific activity. He was admitted to the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology at the Academy of Sciences.


Recognition and privacy

In 2018, Zorin was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky for scientific creativity and many years of fruitful work. To this day, the Doctor of Political Science continues to lecture and advise young scientists.

The personal life of Vladimir Zorin has developed well. He is legally married. The husband and wife raised and raised four children - three sons and a daughter. Each child lives separately and does his own thing.
