Savely Viktorovich Kramarov: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Savely Viktorovich Kramarov: Biography, Career And Personal Life
Savely Viktorovich Kramarov: Biography, Career And Personal Life

Savely Kramarov - a famous Soviet film actor, is an Honored Artist of the RSFSR. He did not have a single leading role, but all of his characters fell in love with the audience. Kramarov became the only actor from the USSR who managed to continue his career after emigrating to America.

Savely Kramarov
Savely Kramarov

Childhood, adolescence

Savely Kramarov was born in Moscow on June 6, 1934. When he was little, his father was convicted by the NKVD and sent to Usvitlag. His mother had to divorce him to get a job. Savely lost her when he was 16 years old. Then he lived with his uncle's family.

Kramarov did not study well, often skipped lessons, visiting cinemas. After school, he entered the theater university, but to no avail. Then Kramarov became a student at the Forestry Institute. As a sophomore, he entered a theater studio set up at the House of Artists.

Creative career

In 1958 Savely graduated from the institute and began to work in his specialty. But he did not like his chosen profession, and he left his job. Kramarov decided to send his photos to the film studio, and soon he received an invitation to play in the movie "They were nineteen." Then he worked in the movie "Guys from our yard". After the release of the film, the artist was noticed and offered to star in the film "My friend, Kolka!" During that period, Kramarov received recognition. This role became his favorite in the creative biography.

Then there was work in "The Elusive Avengers", the film became very successful. In 1967, Savely was invited to work at the Theater of Miniatures, and continued to act in films. In the 70s, he became a popular comedy actor. In the same period, Kramarov graduated from GITIS.

The biggest work of Savely Viktorovich is considered to be his role in the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune". The film brought success to the actor, he received many invitations to shoot, but he never got the main roles. During that period, Kramarov played "Twelve Chairs" in both films. In 1974 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist.

Over the years, Savely began to get involved in vegetarianism, raw food, yoga, and attend synagogue. He was Jewish by nationality, his uncle went to live in Israel. The actor began to offer fewer roles, then it began to be simple in work. Then Kramarov decided to leave the country, but he was not allowed to do so. Then all the films with the actor would have to be withdrawn from the box office. There were more than 40 of them, many of them became very popular.

In 1981, Kramarov and Levenbuck sent a letter to Reagan, the President of the United States, which was read on the Voice of America radio. After this incident, the actor was allowed to leave, he chose Los Angeles. There he continued to act in films. Kramarov was even admitted to the Screen Actors Guild, for emigrants this was an exceptional case.

Personal life

The first wife of Savely Viktorovich was a girl named Lyudmila, a classmate at GITIS. The marriage did not last long. His second wife was Maria, who worked as an architect. Kramarov lived with her for 13 years in a civil marriage.

In 1986, the actor married a woman named Maria. They had a daughter, who was named Benedikta (Basya) - in honor of the mother of Savely Viktorovich. There was also a fourth marriage, Natalia Siradze became the artist's wife.