Why You Need To Protect Forests

Why You Need To Protect Forests
Why You Need To Protect Forests

Trees appeared on earth much earlier than humans. But year after year, century after century, he continues to destroy them, leaving less and less room for growth. Seers, fortune tellers and even scientists predict a catastrophic outcome for unreasonable humanity, if in the near future we do not stop so actively exterminating our "GREEN NEIGHBORS".

Everyone needs to protect the forest
Everyone needs to protect the forest

But is the loss of trees on the planet so dangerous for us?

Four billion hectares is the area inhabited by all kinds of flora. But this figure is taken taking into account the edges, plantings, roads, mountains and hills, of this number, only three billion trees. Simple arithmetic shows that 0.8 hectares are allocated by nature for one inhabitant of our planet.

The figure is small, considering that every year this stock is becoming less and less. We all know that trees are a renewable resource, but even this fact will not save us from environmental disaster.

The value of trees

Trees provide our planet with oxygen, recycling carbon dioxide, which we and our smaller brothers exhale throughout our lives.


Thanks to the trees, favorable climatic conditions for life are maintained on Earth, which are facilitated by the moisture released by the trees into the atmosphere. With their roots, trees pull water out of the ground, thereby keeping water resources in a state of constant movement. The decrease in the number of trees is driving the nightmare of the entire human race - ozone holes, to an even greater occupation of the territory.

But in addition to purely scientific and technological processes, trees have aesthetic benefits. They give peace to the soul, a muse to poets and artists, the joy of being close to nature.


The forest preserves countless species of plants and animals, many of which are unable to exist in other conditions.

The world needs to learn that careless environmental management will become a real nightmare for our future generations, since every year we lose thirteen billion hectares of forest, and only six hectares grow. Now we may not feel the loss. But the time will come when great-grandchildren will reproach about how thoughtlessly we have squandered all the wealth that the planet has endowed. One has only to think about it, and something can already be changed.
