Alexandra Kravchenko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Alexandra Kravchenko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Alexandra Kravchenko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Video: Alexandra Kravchenko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Video: Alexandra Kravchenko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Video: Колыма - родина нашего страха / Kolyma - Birthplace of Our Fear 2025, January

Alexandra Petrovna Kravchenko, who was born in Dnepropetrovsk and lived there all her life, is an engineer by profession. Life sometimes opens up unexpected human possibilities. So it happened with Alexandra. She became an "engineer of human souls", creating amazing works in which the lives of heroes are connected with epoch-making historical events.

Alexandra Kravchenko: biography, creativity, career, personal life
Alexandra Kravchenko: biography, creativity, career, personal life

From biography

Alexandra Petrovna Kravchenko was born in 1951 in Dnepropetrovsk. She studied perfectly at school. She wrote poems and humoresques for school evenings. Graduated with honors from the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute. She worked in organizations dealing with metallurgy and energy conservation. At work, she was a regular author of wall newspapers and holiday scripts.

Engineer of the Soul

Her range of interests was extensive: philology, history, psychology. Gradually, an interest in writing arose.

Alexandra's technical mind contributed to her ability to come up with logical and dynamic stories. Systematic serious work on works has become the second profession.

The publication of the first story "Stop on the way" took place in 1986. The first novel "The Mystery of Transformation" was written in 1990, and was published only in 1998. It was rejected due to lack of ideas. Subsequently, it was reprinted twice. Publishing instinct let down, and A. Kravchenko's writing intuition, on the contrary, worked ahead of the curve.

Currently A. Kravchenko has written over 20 books.


Alexandra Deville

When she was asked to choose from several pseudonyms, she settled on Deville. Firstly, this word means “city dweller,” and her novels, as she believes, are urban. Secondly, she remembered this surname from childhood. Her parents had an acquaintance from France with such a surname. He does not remember his appearance, since he died when Alexandra was little. But she remembered his beautifully sounding surname.

Connoisseur of history and women's life

A. Kravchenko studied creative skills with the sisters Brontë, Jane Austen, Margaret Mitchell. She, like them, was interested in the topics of the relationship of lovers, the achievement of not only bodily, but also spiritual harmony of the two.

In her novels one can find incredible events and coincidences, exotic travel, unusual meetings. Love adventures unfold against a historical background. The writer tries to show the moral development of the heroes. A. Kravchenko subjects the heroes to tests for human viability.

Woman of Ancient Russia

The events of the book "The Married to Mary" take place in Kievan Rus in 1147. Maria is still young and amazingly beautiful. Her parents sometimes sent her on errands. And then one day the Greeks noticed her. Their looks confused her. One of them shouted out a few words in Greek. They did not even suspect that the Slavic girl knew Greek. The young men admired not only her face, but also her body, although it was hidden under strict clothing. Maria shouted to them that they were impudent and ran. She was not so much afraid of them. She was more worried that the behavior of the young men made her feel her body … But the old voluptuous Greek Zoil deceived her to distant Byzantium, where a young knight came to her aid.

Woman in an epochal world


The reading world never ceases to be interested in the fate of girls of double social status. In the book "Sophia's Letter" the writer presented the readers with the life story of a girl who lived with a relative. She was the daughter of a landowner, and her mother was a serf. The servants called Sophia a "panyanka-bastryuchka", and she often heard angry whispers that she was no better than the other servants and why she was so blessed. Just because its origin became known? Perhaps there are others who have exactly the same origin, but only so far no one knows about it.

Domna Gavrilovna told the pupil that the girl had no illusions, but Sophia believed in the best. A fiance appeared in her life, then another man who ruined her life, blackmailed her … June 1812 came. Napoleon's troops could cross the border at any time. But for now, peace reigned in Russia. And now the patriotic upsurge has already begun. People left Moscow, leaving their homes, friends and acquaintances. Sophia was also among the refugees …

Related poetic souls

One of the favorite lyrical themes of A. Kravchenko's poetry is the fate of great writers, their role on Earth.

Without communication, the world is boring, dreary … If meetings happen, then a person is alive. The endlessness of human meetings makes me happy. And, probably, therefore, the poetess wants the life of the departed poets to continue not only in human memory, but also in their meetings with each other in the world where they “left”. Two poets met, and one tells the other that they are different, but at the same time as brothers. Their fate is not easy, they often die early. But there is no death for the songs that they brought to the world, and therefore, having met, one sings to the other.

The poets who lived in different epochs and, according to the poetess's plan, suddenly met poets in a friendly and inspired conversation, because they are brothers in the pen.


Who is helping to survive? A doctor … A relative … If an extreme case, then anyone who is near helps … The poetess has the writer Solzhenitsyn.

In the first three quatrains, it is written about the prophets and geniuses that exist in every era and it is not entirely clear who the author wants to say about. And only in the words "… in the first circle" - a subtle allusion to A. I. Solzhenitsyn. He went through a terrible illness, and with his thoughts in the book Cancer Ward, he helps others to fight. His struggle for life is a striking, inspiring example of victory.


W. Shakespeare remains a mysterious person to this day. In his will, he listed many household items, but did not name his creations. The poet is glad that his friends saved them, and now there is at least one portrait of him and his great plays. The poetic soul of Shakespeare is known to mankind only by his lyre.


The poem is dedicated to the Dnepropetrovsk poet, front-line soldier M. S. Seleznev. The four boy friends of the pre-war period liked the motto of the heroes of A. Dumas. During the war, the "pilot", "professor", "artist" and the poet did not part with him. During the war, they believed in victory. The poetess describes the situation in the 21st century, when veterans cannot defend themselves. The lines of the poet M. S. Seleznev sounds like a parting word to descendants.


From personal life

In an interview, A. Kravchenko said that she had to go through a lot, that her life was not smooth, that she could have come into literature 10 years earlier.

She always tried to make everyone who was next to her feel good. The writer said that she did not go to "parties" because he was a family man. She believed that a son and a grandson are the greatest gifts of fate.

Abruptly interrupted creativity


The news of the death of the famous writer was unexpected - a stroke and instant death. A creative career, which was developing overwhelmingly, was interrupted in 2012, but her success remained, which is evidenced not by the amount of writing, but by the reaction of readers. The newspaper "Dnepr Vecherniy" tells the story of how the youngest daughter of the editor of the newspaper was addicted to reading the book of this particular author.