Why Philosophy Appeared

Why Philosophy Appeared
Why Philosophy Appeared

The Greek word "philosophy" denotes the desire of a person in reflection to comprehend the essence, the nature of phenomena. Literally the word "philosophy" is translated from Greek as "wisdom". The main question around which the whole philosophy "revolves" is the understanding of the meaning of life for an individual and its place in the world.

Why philosophy came about
Why philosophy came about

And in ancient times there were people who were worried about the questions of being, the search for truth, people who were able to wisely, thoughtfully solve difficult life questions, who were able to understand and see the implicit meaning of things and events in life. The origins of philosophy are already laid in ancient myths, in which man tried to explain this or that phenomenon of nature and life. People sought to understand not just the events themselves, but how they are interconnected with each other, what are their causes and reasons.

But the mythological worldview, firstly, was unsubstantiated, and secondly, it did not explain everything in the human world. Therefore, the prerequisites arose for the formation of a philosophical way of thinking and knowledge, which is more rational and profound. Lovers of wisdom understood philosophy as the art of obtaining truth with the help of reason and logic.

Philosophy as a special worldview appeared before our era, and it developed approximately in parallel in the ancient world, Ancient India and Ancient China. It is believed that the word "philosophy" was invented by Pythagoras. He called himself a philosopher or a philosopher who loves wise thoughts. According to Pythagoras, a man cannot be a sage, since he is not given to know and understand everything. Unfortunately, Pythagoras left no writings behind him, so the first author to use the concept of "philosophy" in his works is Heraclitus. It is to him that the phrase belongs: "Men-philosophers should know a lot." From ancient Greece, the term spread to the countries of Western Europe and the Middle East.

A person was worried about both the issues of being and issues related to the inner world of a person, the meaning of his life. The ancient philosopher Socrates said: "Know thyself!" He believed that only by knowing himself, a person will come to an understanding of how to live.

Thus, philosophy arose as a consequence of man's desire to understand the meaning of being and the nature of things. Although none of the greatest philosophers could give an unequivocal answer to global questions, because it is impossible in principle.