What Is "Sisyphean Labor"

What Is "Sisyphean Labor"
What Is "Sisyphean Labor"

Sometimes there are situations when no one appreciated your work, and it turned out to be absolutely useless. It is more offensive when you realize the significance of the result of your activities, and society or higher figures do not want to look at things from your point of view. Sisyphean work has no end and therefore is practically useless.


Sisyphus is a character in ancient Greek mythology. According to legends, he angered the gods, and had to roll a huge stone to the top of the mountain. It cost the hero a lot of effort, however, as soon as the stone was almost in the right place, he rolled back down, and Sisyphus had to push him to the top over and over again.

Why was the hero punished so cruelly? The most common version is considered to be the one in which Sisyphus deceived the god of death Thanatos and held him captive. People stopped dying, which attracted the attention of the entire Underworld. All this lasted for several years, after which Hades freed the god of death. The latter, immediately after his release, extracted the soul of Sisyphus and took it to the Kingdom of Shadows.

However, the quick-witted hero warned his wife Merope not to perform any funeral rites. Hades and Persephone allowed Sisyphus to ascend to Earth and punish his wife for neglecting sacred traditions. But the happy Sisyphus, the first to return from the Kingdom of Shadows alive, began to feast in his palace. When his absence was discovered, the gods sent for the deceiver Hermes and doomed him to eternal raising a stone to the top of the mountain.

In relation to the modern realities of Sisyphus, labor is a potentially useful activity, the results of which cannot be realized in the existing society at this stage of its development. It turns out that the efforts made to carry out the activity are absolutely fruitless, and the work itself is endless.

A person takes upon himself such a curse, tk. no society, apart from punitive ones, condones useless labor. When a person begins to realize the complexity of the situation, he has two choices: either to quit all the work done, or to die without having achieved anything.